Day: October 29, 2022

Revision of ward entitlement under Central Government Health Scheme as per 7th CPC: CGHS O.M. dated 28.10.2022

Revision of ward entitlement under Central Government Health Scheme as per 7th CPC: CGHS O.M. dated 28.10.2022

Revision of ward entitlement under Central Government Health Scheme as per 7th CPC: CGHS O.M. dated 28.10.2022 No. S.11011/11/2016-CGHS(P)/EHS Gover ...
Travel entitlement on Passes/PTOs integrated with Class & Booking Codes issued by Commercial Directorate – RBE No.136/2022

Travel entitlement on Passes/PTOs integrated with Class & Booking Codes issued by Commercial Directorate – RBE No.136/2022

Travel entitlement on Passes/PTOs integrated with Class & Booking Codes issued by Commercial Directorate - RBE No.136/2022 RBE No.136/2022 भारत ...
Recovery of excess payment from pensionary benefits: Instructions regarding settlement of pension cases

Recovery of excess payment from pensionary benefits: Instructions regarding settlement of pension cases

Recovery of excess payment from pensionary benefits: Instructions regarding implementation of the Hon'ble CAT, Delhi order dated 5/07/2022 in OA No.26 ...
Productivity Linked Bonus for 40 days for the eligible Industrial civilian employees of the Indian Air Force for the year 2021-2022: MoD Order dated 26.10.2022

Productivity Linked Bonus for 40 days for the eligible Industrial civilian employees of the Indian Air Force for the year 2021-2022: MoD Order dated 26.10.2022

Productivity Linked Bonus for 40 days for the eligible Industrial civilian employees of the Indian Air Force for the year 2021-2022: MoD Order dated 2 ...
Productivity Linked Bonus for 40 days for the eligible Defence civilians of the Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) for the year 2021-2022: MoD Order 26.10.2022

Productivity Linked Bonus for 40 days for the eligible Defence civilians of the Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) for the year 2021-2022: MoD Order 26.10.2022

Productivity Linked Bonus for 40 days for the eligible Defence civilians of the Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) for the year 2021-2022: MoD Order 26.10.2022 ...
Productivity Linked Bonus for 24 days for the eligible Industrial civilian employees of the EME for the Financial Year 2021-2022

Productivity Linked Bonus for 24 days for the eligible Industrial civilian employees of the EME for the Financial Year 2021-2022

Productivity Linked Bonus for 24 days for the eligible Industrial civilian employees of the EME for the Financial Year 2021-2022: MoD Order 26.10.2022 ...
Posting/working of Outsourced/hired person in Board’s Office to assist in file processing/office work only: Railway Board Office Order No. 65 of 2022 dated 17.10.2022

Posting/working of Outsourced/hired person in Board’s Office to assist in file processing/office work only: Railway Board Office Order No. 65 of 2022 dated 17.10.2022

Posting/working of Outsourced/hired person in Board’s Office to assist the Officer/Branch for file processing/office work only: Railway Board Office O ...
Problems in use of UMID Card in Private Hospitals – Founder MD RailTel Corp. writes to CRB/CEO, MoR with suggestions

Problems in use of UMID Card in Private Hospitals – Founder MD RailTel Corp. writes to CRB/CEO, MoR with suggestions

Problems in use of UMID Card in Private Hospitals – Founder MD RailTel Corp. writes to CRB/CEO, MoR with suggestions A. K Chopra, IRSSE (Retd.) GM, ...

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