Day: September 1, 2020

Re-opening of Departmental Canteens: Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) – Withdrawal of OM dated 28th August, 2020

Re-opening of Departmental Canteens: Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) – Withdrawal of OM dated 28th August, 2020

Re-opening of Departmental Canteens: Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) - Withdrawal of OM dated 2 ...
RBE No. 69/2020: Protection of Pay on appointment to Central Government posts on Direct Recruitment basis

RBE No. 69/2020: Protection of Pay on appointment to Central Government posts on Direct Recruitment basis

RBE No. 69/2020: Protection of Pay on appointment to Central Government posts on Direct Recruitment basis Government of India Ministry of Railways ...

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