Submission of time barred representations regarding APAR

Submission of time barred representations regarding APAR

Submission of time barred representations regarding APAR

F.No. 11059/08/2019-AIS-III
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
AIS — III Section

North Block, New Delhi
Date:- 8th March, 2021


All Chief Secretaries, States Govt. and UTs.
Secretary, M/o Home Affairs, North Block, New Delhi.
Secretary, D/o Personnel and Training, North Block, New Delhi.
Secretary, M/o Environment Forests and Climate Change, Indira Prayavaran Bhavan, New Delhi.

Sub:- Submission of time barred representations regarding APAR by All India Services Officers — reg.


I am directed to say that several references are being received in this Department seeking Clarifications in respect of late submission of representations regarding APAR by All India Services officers, specifically whether condonation of delay in submission of the representation in such cases can be done by the Competent Authority/Referral Board etc.

2. The submission and evaluation of APAR of AIS officers is governed as per the Rules and provisions laid down in All India Services (PAR) Rules, 2007. A clear time-frame to complete the whole process of submission and evaluation of APAR is provided in the above-mentioned Rules; and powers to relax any of the provisions of the AIS (PAR) Rules, inter-alia, condonation of delay etc. have not been delegated to any other authority.

3. Therefore, any relaxation or condonation to deal with any particular case, under the Rules and provisions of All India Services (PAR) Rules, 2007 as amended time to time, can only be considered by the Department of Personnel and Training of the Government of India, which is the nodal Department of All India Services (PAR) Rules, 2007.

4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Yours faithfully,

(Devendra Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel:- 23094824

Copy To:-

(i) PSO to Secretary (P)/PPS to AS (S&V)/PPS to JS(S&V)

(ii) PS to Deputy Secretary (Services)

(iii) Director (NIC)

(iv) EO (PR) Section, DoPT with reference to EO(PR)’s Id. No. 5/18(89)/2020-EO(PR) dated 21.10.2020 and Id. No. 5/19(57)/2019-EO(PR) dated 19.11.2020.


Source: DOPT

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