RBE No. 44/2021 : Interest Rate on House Building Advance (HBA) for Railway employees

RBE No. 44/2021 : Interest Rate on House Building Advance (HBA) for Railway employees

Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)


PC-VII No.171/2021
RBE No. 44/2021

No. 2021/F(E)Spl./ADV.3/1

New Delhi, Dated: 28/06/2021

The General Managers and PFAs
All Indian Railways & Production Units
(As per Standard list)

Sub.: Interest Rate on House Building Advance (HBA) far Railway employees

Ref.: This Ministry’s letter dated 04.02.2020 (RBE No 19/2020) on the above cited subject

A copy of Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoH&UA)’s OM No I-17015/1/2021/H.III dated 19.04.2021 regarding the subject mentioned above, is enclosed. These instructions shall be applicable mutatis-mutandis on the Railways

2. Please acknowledge receipt

(Jitendra Kumar)
Deputy Director Finance (Estt.)
Railway Board

Encl: As above

No. 2021/F(E)Spl./ADV.3/1

New Delhi, Dated:28/06/2021

Copy (with 10 spares) forwarded to the Dy. Comptroller & Auditor General of India (Railways), Room No.224, Rail Bhawan.

for Member (Finance) / Railway Board

House Building Advance – Interest rates @ 7.9% from 01.10.2020 to 31.03.2022 (MoH&UA O.M No. I-17015/1/2021/H.III dated 19th April 20210

Source : Click here to view/download PDF

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