Cashless Treatment to beneficiaries of Ayushman CAPF Scheme – Extension of facilities reg

Cashless Treatment to beneficiaries of Ayushman CAPF Scheme – Extension of facilities reg

Cashless Treatment to beneficiaries of Ayushman CAPF Scheme – Extension of facilities reg.

File No: S11011/16/2021/CGHS-HEC
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General Central Govt. Health Scheme
(Hospital Empanelment Cell)
(Govt. of India)

Room No. 545- A, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

Dated 27th August 2021


Subject: Extension of facility of cashless treatment to beneficiaries of Ayushman CAPF Scheme.

Reference is invited to this Office Order File No. S 11011/16/2021/CGHS(HEC)/DIR/CGHS dated 25th February 2021.Additional Directors of all the CGHS Cities are again directed to request all the Health Care Organisations (HCOs) empanelled under CGHS, in their respective area’s to be empanelled with “Ayushman CAPF Scheme” of NHA and sign MOA with NHA for providing cashless health care facilities to its beneficiaries. Additional Directors of CGHS Cities shall take an immediate action to interact with officials of NHA to facilitate the same.

Dr. Sanjay Jain
Director (CGHS)
Tel. No. 011-23062800


  1. AD(HQ) Addl.DDG(HQ), CGHS / All Additional Directors, CGHS Cities/ MSD/ Nodal Officer, CGHS (MCTC) / Sr CMO, Hospital Cell, Sr. CMO (HEC)

Copy to:

  1. The Chief Executive Officer, National Health Authority, 3rd, 7th & 9th Floor, Tower-I, Jeevan Bharati Building, New Delhi-110001


Source: Click here to view/download PDF

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