Mobility of managerial personnel among public sector enterprises: DoP&T Resolution dated 20.06.2023

Mobility of managerial personnel among public sector enterprises: DoP&T Resolution dated 20.06.2023

Mobility of managerial personnel among public sector enterprises: DoP&T Resolution dated 20.06.2023

gazette notification


(Department of Personnel and Training)


New Delhi, the 20th June, 2023

No. 44011/2(s)/2022-Estt.(B-II).—In Resolution No.27(21)-EO/86(CC), dated 3rd March, 1987, read with GoI Resolution No.44011/6(s)/2019-Estt.(B-II), dated 30th December, 2021, para 7.2 of the Resolution shall be replaced by:

The policy of the Government is to appoint through a fair and objective selection procedure outstanding professional managers to Level-I and Level-II posts and posts at any other level as may be decided by the Government from time to time. Government has also recognized the need to develop a cadre of professional managers within the public sector. Hence, unless markedly better candidates are available from outside, internal candidates, employed in the public sector enterprises, will be preferred for appointment to Board level posts. If internal candidates are not available, preference will be given to candidates working in other public sector enterprises, either in the same area of business or in other areas. Mobility of managerial personnel among public sector enterprises within the same sector or group, failing which mobility within the public sector as a whole will be encouraged, subject to certain limitations. In special cases, Group ‘A’ officers of the Central Government including All India Services (AIS) & Armed Forces of India and officers in equivalent rank/ grade from Public Sector Banks/ Financial Institutions/ Autonomous Bodies, etc. subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria will also be considered as non-internal candidates.

“Candidates from State Public Sector Enterprises and the private sector subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria will also be considered as non-internal candidates along with the candidates of other public sector enterprises for a period of five years with effect from 10.06.2021”.


Ordered that the Resolution be published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary, Part I Section I. Ordered also that a copy of the Resolution be communicated to all Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India, State Governments/ Administration of Union Territories, Public Sector Undertakings and all other concerned.


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