Provision of random number powers for the purpose of cancellation of PRS Tickets

Provision of random number powers for the purpose of cancellation of PRS Tickets

Provision of random number powers for the purpose of cancellation of PRS Tickets



RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)


New Delhi, dated 19.06.2023

Principal Chief Commercial Managers,
All Zonal Railways.

Managing Director, CRIS,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi — 110021.

Sub: Provision of random number powers for the purpose of cancellation of PRS Tickets.

As per extant practice, random number is required to be fed while cancellation of ticket through computerised Passenger Reservation System (PRS) counters. A reference has been received from a zonal Railway highlighting the operational hurdle arising out of feeding of random number printed on PRS ticket in the system during the cancellation of ticket and has suggested to do away with random number.

2 The matter has been examined in this office and it has been observed that the concept of random number was introduced prior to introduction of the present refund rules of 2015. The present refund rules do not normally allow for refund after preparation of 1st chart in case of confirmed tickets and after 30 minutes before the departure of train in case of waitlisted/ RAC tickets. Accordingly it has been decided that concept of feeding random number at the time of cancellation of reserved tickets at PRS counters may be discontinued for simplification of the procedure of cancellation of tickets. CRIS and zonal Railways will keep a watch and report any discrepancy which will come to their notice.

3. Necessary instructions may be issued to all concerned accordingly.

(Sanjay Manocha)
Director Passenger Marketing-II
Ph. No.:011-23047367
Email id: [email protected]
4th Floor, Room No: 415-A
Railway Board
Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001


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