Opening of type ‘D’ ECHS Polyclinic at Bhoranj and Gagret in Himachal Pradesh: DESW Order dated 14.03.2024

Opening of type ‘D’ ECHS Polyclinic at Bhoranj and Gagret in Himachal Pradesh: DESW Order dated 14.03.2024

Opening of type ‘D’ ECHS Polyclinic at Bhoranj and Gagret in Himachal Pradesh: DESW Order dated 14.03.2024

No. 12(5)/2024-D(WE)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare

221, B-wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 14th March, 2024

The Chief of Defence Staff
The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Air Staff
The Chief of Naval Staff

Subject: Opening of type ‘D’ ECHS Polyclinic at Bhoranj and Gagret in Himachal Pradesh


I am directed to convey the sanction of the Competent Authority for opening of following ECHS Polyclinics:-

(a) Type ‘D’ ECHS Polyclinic at Bhoranj, District Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
(b) Type ‘D’ Gagret, District Una, Himachal Pradesh.

2. This issues with concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance/ Pension) vide their ID No. 32(05)/2024/Fin/Pension dated 11.03.2024.

(Dr. P.P Sharma)
Tel: 2301 5772

Copy to:-

  1. PPS to Secy(ESW)
  2. PPS to JS (ESW)
  3. Managing Director, CO, ECHS
  4. O/o CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Delhi Cantt., New Delhi
  5. AFA (Pension)
  6. Office File

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