Author: Bina Pathak

Reporting of Officials in Board’s Office during COVID-19: RB Office Order No. 09 of 2021

Reporting of Officials in Board’s Office during COVID-19: RB Office Order No. 09 of 2021

Reporting of Officials in Board’s Office during COVID-19: RB Office Order No. 09 of 2021 भारत सरकार Government of India रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Rai ...
Opening of Ayurvedic Unit under CGHS Jabalpur – CGHS Notification dated 12.02.2021

Opening of Ayurvedic Unit under CGHS Jabalpur – CGHS Notification dated 12.02.2021

Opening of Ayurvedic Unit under CGHS Jabalpur - CGHS Notification dated 12.02.2021 भारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य एवं परिवार कल्‍याण म ...
SOP on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19 in offices: MoH&FW Order dated 13.02.2021

SOP on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19 in offices: MoH&FW Order dated 13.02.2021

SOP on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19 in offices: MoH&FW Order dated 13.02.2021 13th February, 2021 Government of India Mini ...
Dearness Allowance: डीए बहाली की मांग और एनपीएस के विरोध में दी आंदोलन की चेतावनी

Dearness Allowance: डीए बहाली की मांग और एनपीएस के विरोध में दी आंदोलन की चेतावनी

Dearness Allowance: डीए बहाली की मांग और एनपीएस के विरोध में दी आंदोलन की चेतावनी डीए/डीआर को बहाल करने एवं न्यू पेंशन स्कीम (एनपीएस) के विरोध में ना ...
Performance Security – Ministry of Defence Clarification

Performance Security – Ministry of Defence Clarification

Performance Security - Ministry of Defence Clarification कार्यालय रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक Controller General of Defence Accounts उलान बटार रोड, पालम ...
Conduct of Secret Ballot For Recognition of Railway Trade Unions – RajyaSabha Q&A

Conduct of Secret Ballot For Recognition of Railway Trade Unions – RajyaSabha Q&A

Conduct of Secret Ballot For Recognition of Railway Trade Unions - RajyaSabha Q&A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAJYA SABHA UNSTARR ...
Status of Petitions filed challenging the RRB Notifications i.r.o. reservations for candidates with disabilities

Status of Petitions filed challenging the RRB Notifications i.r.o. reservations for candidates with disabilities

Status of Petitions filed challenging the RRB Notifications i.r.o. reservations for candidates with disabilities GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAI ...
NPS to OPS: सरकारी कर्मियों को पुरानी पेंशन स्‍कीम में शामिल करने की मांग पर केन्‍द्र सरकार ने दिया ये विकल्‍प

NPS to OPS: सरकारी कर्मियों को पुरानी पेंशन स्‍कीम में शामिल करने की मांग पर केन्‍द्र सरकार ने दिया ये विकल्‍प

NPS to OPS: सरकारी कर्मियों को पुरानी पेंशन स्‍कीम में शामिल करने की मांग पर केन्‍द्र सरकार ने दिया ये विकल्‍प ''एनपीएस को भारत सरकार ने एक पेंशन सह ...
Representation for Persons with Disabilities in Railways: Government to ensure adequate representation as per Supreme Court’s order

Representation for Persons with Disabilities in Railways: Government to ensure adequate representation as per Supreme Court’s order

Representation for Persons with Disabilities in Railways: Government to ensure adequate representation as per Supreme Court’s order GOVERNMENT OF IND ...
7th CPC: Revision of limits of two family pensions payable to a child in respect of both the parents

7th CPC: Revision of limits of two family pensions payable to a child in respect of both the parents

7th CPC: Revision of limits of two family pensions payable to a child in respect of both the parents 1/1(2)/2020-P&PW (E) Part-1 Government of I ...

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