Month: July 2020

Income Tax Return: अब 30 सितंबर तक भर सकेंगे 2018-19 का ITR, पहले इसे 31 जुलाई तक दाखिल करना था, वित्त वर्ष 2019-20 के लिए आयकर रिटर्न भरने की तारीख पहले ही बढ़ा दी गई थी

Income Tax Return: अब 30 सितंबर तक भर सकेंगे 2018-19 का ITR, पहले इसे 31 जुलाई तक दाखिल करना था, वित्त वर्ष 2019-20 के लिए आयकर रिटर्न भरने की तारीख पहले ही बढ़ा दी गई थी

Income Tax Return: अब 30 सितंबर तक भर सकेंगे 2018-19 का ITR, पहले इसे 31 जुलाई तक दाखिल करना था, वित्त वर्ष 2019-20 के लिए आयकर रिटर्न भरने की तारीख प ...
Demise of Any Coal India Employee Due to Covid 19 Will Be Treated as Accidental Death. Dependents to Get All Benefits

Demise of Any Coal India Employee Due to Covid 19 Will Be Treated as Accidental Death. Dependents to Get All Benefits

Demise of Any Coal India Employee Due to Covid 19 Will Be Treated as Accidental Death. Dependents to Get All Benefits  Press Information Bureau Mini ...
List of 40 Freedom Movements recognised for sanction of Swatantrata Sainik Samman Yojana (SSSY) Pension

List of 40 Freedom Movements recognised for sanction of Swatantrata Sainik Samman Yojana (SSSY) Pension

Swatantrata Sainik Samman Yojana Pension : List of 40 Freedom Movements Recognised for sanction of sssy Pension: स्वतन्त्रता सैनिक सम्मान योजना के ...
Revised Rates of Bhutan Compensatory Allowance (BCA) in respect of DAD personnel posted in Project Dantak (Bhutan)

Revised Rates of Bhutan Compensatory Allowance (BCA) in respect of DAD personnel posted in Project Dantak (Bhutan)

Revised Rates of Bhutan Compensatory Allowance (BCA) in respect of DAD personnel posted in Project Dantak (Bhutan) F. No. 11(2)/C/2000 (920) Ministr ...
MACP: Clarification regarding prescribed Benchmark while considering MACPs to Non-Gazetted Staff – E.C. Railway

MACP: Clarification regarding prescribed Benchmark while considering MACPs to Non-Gazetted Staff – E.C. Railway

MACP: Clarification regarding prescribed Benchmark while considering MACPs to Non-Gazetted Staff - E.C. Railway EAST COAST RAILWAY प्रधान मुख्य कार् ...
Provisional Family Pension: Relaxation of Rule 80-A – In case of death of a Government Servant during service.

Provisional Family Pension: Relaxation of Rule 80-A – In case of death of a Government Servant during service.

Provisional Family Pension: Relaxation of Rule 80-A - In case of death of a Government Servant during service. No. 1/11/2020-P&PW (E) Government ...
Grant of disability pension to whom who were boarded out from service, with less than 10 years of qualifying service, due to an injury/disability

Grant of disability pension to whom who were boarded out from service, with less than 10 years of qualifying service, due to an injury/disability

Grant of disability pension to whom who were boarded out from service, with less than 10 years of qualifying service, due to an injury/disability No. ...
MACP: Consolidated guidelines for Railway Employees (RBE No. 16/2020)

MACP: Consolidated guidelines for Railway Employees (RBE No. 16/2020)

MACP: Consolidated guidelines for Railway Employees (RBE No. 16/2020) EAST COAST RAILWAY प्रधान मुख्य कार्मिक अधिकारी का कार्यालय Office of the Pri ...
Pension Cases: PAO should not go back to a period earlier than a maximum of 24 months preceding the date of retirement for raising observations relating to pay fixation

Pension Cases: PAO should not go back to a period earlier than a maximum of 24 months preceding the date of retirement for raising observations relating to pay fixation

Pension Cases: PAO should not go back to a period earlier than a maximum of 24 months preceding the date of retirement for raising observations relati ...
MHA Guidelines for Phased Re-opening (Unlock 3)/Offences and Penalties for violation of Lockdown measures/National Directives for COVID-19 Management

MHA Guidelines for Phased Re-opening (Unlock 3)/Offences and Penalties for violation of Lockdown measures/National Directives for COVID-19 Management

MHA Guidelines for Phased Re-opening (Unlock 3)/Offences and Penalties for violation of Lockdown measures/National Directives for COVID-19 Management ...

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