7th CPC Night Duty Allowance: CGDA clarification on rates of NDA to Defence Civilian Employees

7th CPC Night Duty Allowance: CGDA clarification on rates of NDA to Defence Civilian Employees

7th CPC Night Duty Allowance: CGDA clarification on rates of NDA to Defence Civilian Employees


रक्षा लेखा प्रधान नियंत्रक (पश्चिमी कमान) चंडीगढ़

No. Pay/II/Tech/94

Dated: 26.06.2020


  1. The AAO(Pay) WC
    Delhi Cantt, Pathankot, Jalandhar
  2. All AOGEs Under PCDA WC
  3. All Pay Groups (Local)
  4. All LAO’s Under PCDA WC

Sub: Payment of Night Duty Allowance at revised rates to Civilian Employees working in the establishments under the MoD.

Several references have been received from sub-offices regarding whether NDA will be calculated on the basis of Pay of 6th CPC or on 7th CPC. The matter has been referred to HQrs office.

In this context, please find enclosed a copy of HQrs office letter No. AT/Army BR/A/Civ/2366/NDA/Vol-I dated 19.05.2020 regarding payment of Night Duty Allowance at revised rates to Civilian Employees working in the establishments under the MoD for guidance and further necessary action in the matter.

HQrs office cited under reference states that “in absence of revised order on the subject post-implementation of 7th CPC, it seems appropriate to admit NDA claims on the basis of extend orders on the subject until any revised orders received

Accordingly competent authority has decided that Night Duty Allowance claims should be admitted in audit on the basis of basic pay of the individual as per 6th CPC i.e pay of an individual as on 31.12.2015.

Further, it is requested to advice unit authorities to take up the matter with MoD through their administrative channel for obtaining clarification on this subject as instructed by the HQrs office.

ACDA (Pay)

Copy to:
1. IT & S (Local) : For uploading on the official website.

ACDA (Pay)

कारयालय, रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक
उलन बटार रोड, पालम, दिल्ली छावनी – 110010
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt – 110010

File No. : AT/Army-BR/A/Civ/2366/NDA/Vol-I

Dated: 19 May 2020



Sub: Payment of Night Duty Allowance at revised rates to Civilian Employees working in the establishments under the MoD

Ref: PCDA (WC)’s letter No. Pay/II/Tech/CG dated 17.03.2020


Night Duty Allowance was recommended vide para 8.17.71-77 of 7th CPC report and accepted by Govt. of India vide Resolution No. 11-1/2016-IC dated 6th July, 2017. However, no orders, that might have been issued by Ministry of Finance for implementation of the same, have been received through MoD till date in this regar.

In the absence of revised order on the subject post-implementation of 7th CPC, it seems appropriate to admit NDA claims on the basis of extant orders on the subject until any revised orders are received. Also, unit authorities can be advised to take up the matter with MoD through their administrative channel for obtaining clarification on this subject.

This issues with the approval of Jt. CGDA (Army/BR)

(Gita Nair)
Sr. AO (Army/BR)

Source: (Click to view/download the PDF)

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