Revised approver limit for new proposals, revival, surrender, forced surrender, maturity, survival, death claims in respect of PLI & RPLI : Department of Posts

Revised approver limit for new proposals, revival, surrender, forced surrender, maturity, survival, death claims in respect of PLI & RPLI : Department of Posts

Revised approver limit for new proposals, revival, surrender, forced surrender, maturity, survival, death claims in respect of PLI & RPLI : Department of Posts

डाक जीवन बीमा निदेशालय
डाक विभाग, संचार मंत्रलाय, भारत सरकार
चाणक्यपुरी डाकघर भवन, नई दिल्ली – 110021
Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications,
Government of India
Chanakyapuri Post Office Complex, New Delhi-110021

No 25-01/2020-LI

Dated 21.08.02020

Office Memorandum

Sub: Revision of approver limits of proposals & settlement of claims in respect of PLI & RPLI

In supersession of OM of this Directorate OM No. 25-1/2011-LI dated 19.10.2015 and to simplify the process of acceptance of new proposals and facilitate settlement of claims within Citizen Charter’s norms, approver limits for acceptance of new proposals and settlement of claims are hereby revised as following :-

1. New proposals, revival, surrender, forced surrender, maturity, survival, death claims (except early death claims) — PLI & RPLI

Sl No. Approving Authority/Approver Revised approver limit (for single or aggregate sum assured)
1 Postmaster (HSG I/HSG II),
Sr Postmaster(Gr B),
Dy. Chref Postmaster (Gr B),
A.D of HO (Gr B) headed by Director
Upto and equal to Rs. 20 lakhs
2 Head of Division (Gr BY Gr A),
Postmaster (Gr A),
Director of HO (Gr A) Headed by a Director
Greater than Rs. 20 Lakhs and upto and equal to Rs. 50 Lakhs

ii. Early death claim (Death within 3 years of acceptance of policy) – PLI & RPLI

Sl . No. Approving Authority/ Approver Revised approver limits for early death claim  (for single or aggregate sum assured
1 Director GPO (JAG) Director(HQ)/Regional DPS(JAG) All Cases
(irrespective of Sum Assured)

2 Second or subsequent loan not exceeding the amount as prescribed in POLI Rules will now be granted by Postmaster/Manager of CPC instead of Postmaster General subject to the condition of full repayment of the previous loan, if any.

3 In case of reopening of claim cases (for example. in case of court case etc). the authority competent to approve claims may re-open the claim but would submit it to the next higher authority for decision.

4 The following non-financial/financial service requests will continue to be approved by Postmaster/ Manager of Central Processing Centre (GPO/ Head Office) concerned:

  1. Address change
  2. Agent change
  3. Billing frequency change
  4. Billing Method change
  5. Commutation
  6. Conversion
  7. Duplicate Policy Bond
  8. Name change
  9. Refund of premium/loan interest or principal
  10. Reduced Paid-up
  11. Free Look / policy cancellation.
  12. Authorization of medical examiner for examine PLI and RPLI proponent

5. The revised approver limits will be effective from 25th of August, 2020.

6 This issue with the approval of Competent Authority.

(Hariom Sharma)
Divisional Manager-II

Copy to:

Director, RAKNPA, Ghaziabad
All O0Gs, Dept. of Posts. Dak Bhawan
GM, CEPT. Mysuru
Directors Postal Training Centres
Additional Director General of APS



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