Aadhar Updation & Child Enrolment – Postmen/Dak Sevaks will provide Facilities 

Aadhar Updation & Child Enrolment – Postmen/Dak Sevaks will provide Facilities 

Aadhar Updation & Child Enrolment – Postmen/Dak Sevaks will provide Facilities

G.O.I, M.O.E.IT, UIDAI O.M F No. 4(4)/57/421 /2020/E&U-I. 3 September, 2020



Prioritizing Child enrolment and mobile update – Aadhaar services through India Post Payment Bank (IPPB) using CELC-reg.

CEO UIDAI approved the request from India Post Payment Bank (IPPB) to provide Aadhaar Services to the residents using CELC. IPPB proposes to provide Mobile update and child enrolment facilities to the residents through more than 1.9 lakh Postmen/Dak Sevaks, who were already equipped with tablet/mobile phones and single fingerprint scanner.


2. Based on the request, Registrar Code 224 and EA Code 0224 were assigned to IPPB. As the Registered office of the company is situated at New Delhi the Registrar is mapped to RO Delhi. Being a Government organisation having banking activities, IPPB proposes centralized control and proposes to continue with the single EA code with more EA admin Tights.

3. As the area of operation for the Registrar is pan India covering more than 650 districts having more than 1.9 lakh operators, it is decided to decentralise the activities among ali 8 UIDAI Regional offices. Accordingly, it is decided

i) to permit IPPB to submit the Machine Registration/operator activation/deactivation requests to the concerned UIDAI under the jurisdiction of which the centre is situated.

ii) to extend all support to the Registrar for training, onboarding, monitoring activities etc.


4. This issues with the approval of CEO (UIDAI).

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