Railway Board Order on Delegation of Powers regarding procurement of service through GeM – Corrigendum Slip No. 10 to Model SOP 2018

Railway Board Order on Delegation of Powers regarding procurement of service through GeM – Corrigendum Slip No. 10 to Model SOP 2018

Railway Board Order on Delegation of Powers regarding procurement of service through GeM – Corrigendum Slip No. 10 to Model SOP 2018


NO. 2018/Trans Cell/S&T/Model SOP

Dated: 21.09.2020

The General Manager, All Indian Railways/PUs, NF(Con), CORE
The DG/RDSO/Lucknow, DG/NAIR/Vadodara

Sub: Corrigendum Slip no. 10 to Model SOP 2018: Delegation of Powers regarding procurement of services through GEM

  1. Vide Railway Board letter No. 2018/Trans/01/Policy dated 24.07.2018, Model Schedule of Power (SOP) 2018 was issued. Corrigendum Slip No. 10 to Model SOP 2018 in Item No. 44, Works Matters (Part-A), as approved by the Board (FM & CRB) is enclosed for necessary action.
  2. For services available on GeM, procurement has to be done through GeM. However any exception to this, which is justified due to specific reasons, requires personal approval of GMs/DRMs.
  3. This issues with the concurrence of Associate Finance of Transformation Cell, Railway Board.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt and ensure compliance

DA- Corrigendum Slip No. 10 to Model SOP 2018

(Umesh Balonda)
Executive Director/S&T
Transformation Cell

NO. 2018/Trans Cell/S&T/Model SOP

Dated: 21.09.2020

  1. PFAs, All Indian Railways & Production Units
  2. The ADAI (Railways), New Delhi.
  3. The Director of Audit, All Indian Railways

(Ajeet Kumar Srivastava)
Executive Director/Accounts
Transformation Cell

Copy to: As per list enclosed

Corrigendum Slip No. 10 of Model SOP 2018.

Part- A: Works Matters

S. No. Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM/ SAG Officers in Field Units  Divisional Officers, Extra-Divisional Officers &
Officers in Headquarters
1 2 3 4 5 6


Delegation of Powers in case of Service Contracts
(inviting and accepting tenders)
Full Powers As per Delegation of Service contracts

(No change)

Up to Rs. 100 Crore in each case for long term contracts as per
Service Contracts (follow extant guidelines of Service Contracts,
earlier DRMs had power only up to Rs.20 Crore)(No change)
All Other officers Powers as per the delegations
in Service Contracts 

(No change)

1. DRMs can enter into service contract for a period of
3 months irrespective of value of contract, only in case of termination
of existing service contract with finance concurrence, by calling
quotations from approved list of vendors.2. Extant Guidelines of
Board to be followed

(Additional remark)
3. Powers under this item shall also be applicable for procurement
of Service through GeM.

1. Rly. Bd’s ltr. No.2017/Trans/01/Policydt. 18.10.2017

Note: For services available on GeM, procurement has to be done through GeM. However, any exception to this, which is justified due to specific reasons, requires personal approval of GMs/DRMs.Authority:
1. Rly. Bd’s ltr. 2018/Trans Cell/S&T/Model SOP dt. 21.09.2020


Source: Railway Board

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