Implementation of various modules of HRMS in Indian Railways

Implementation of various modules of HRMS in Indian Railways

Implementation of various modules of HRMS in Indian Railways

Ministry of Railways (रेल मंत्रालय)
Railway Board (रेलवे बोर्ड)

File No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/16

New Delhi, dated: 30.07.2021

The General Manager,
All Indian Railways & Production Units,
(As per mailing list)

Sub: – Implementation of various modules of HRMS- reg.

Attention is drawn to this office’s letter of even number dated 25.06.2021 vide which all the Field Units were allowed to operate various modules of Human Resource Management System as per manual practice till 31.07.2021 while keeping HRMS as the preferred mode.

2. Progress of various modules of HRMS has been reviewed in Railway Board and it has been decided that:

(i) The facility of issuance of Privilege Passes in physical mode for serving employees may be resorted to only in exceptional cases where it is felt that issuance of Physical Pass is the only option, till 31.08.2021.

(ii) Post Retirement Complimentary Pass (PRCP) may be allowed to be issued in physical mode while keeping HRMS as the preferred mode.

(iii) Divyang employees (serving and retirees) may be issued Privilege Passes in physical mode.

(iv) For the processing of Settlement cases, HRMS may remain the preferred
option and all the field units shall make efforts to process all the cases through HRMS Settlement as per the conventional procedure may be resorted to only in cases where processing through HRMS is absolutely not possible.

(Jaya Kumar G)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission-VII & HRMS
Railway Board

Copy forwarded to :-

  1. The Director General, NAIR, Vadodara.
  2. The Director General, RDSO, Lucknow,
  3. The General Manager, CORE/Allahabad
  4. The General Manager and FA&CAO, Metro Railway
  5. PFAs All Indian Railways, PUs, NFR(Const)
  6. The CAO and PFA, COFMOW/New Delhi


Source : RailwayBoard

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