Utilisation of ECHS services validity of ECHS cards & temporary slips – ECHS order dated 03.08.2021

Utilisation of ECHS services validity of ECHS cards & temporary slips – ECHS order dated 03.08.2021

Utilisation of ECHS services validity of ECHS cards & temporary slips – ECHS order dated 03.08.2021

Tele 25684645
Tel-tax : 011-25684946
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Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated Headquarters of
MoD (Army), Thimayya Marg,
Near Gopinath Circle,
Delhi Cantt- 110 010


03 Aug 2021

IHQ of MoD (Air Force)
IHQ of MoD (Navy)
HQ South Comd (A/ECHS)
HQ East Comd (AIECHS)
HQ West Comd (AIECHS)
HQ Central Comd (NECHS)
Northern Comd (AJECHS)
South West Comd (A/ECHS)
All Area Headquarters
All Regional Centres


1. Please refer Central Organisation letter No.B/49711-NewSmartCard/AG/ECHS dated 03 Dec 2020 (Copy attached).

2. Detailed instructions on the validity of 16 Kb ECHS cards and offline temporary slip was issued vide letter under reference. However, it is seen that in few cases the 16Kb ECHS card holders and offline temporary slip holders have still not applied for online 64 Kb ECHS cards and in emergency approaching the ECHS polyclinics and empanelled Hospitals for medical cover. It may please be noted that no provision exists with ECHS polyclinics to provide medical cover or referral with the 16Kb ECHS cards and offline temporary slip.

3. Validity of 16Kb ECHS Cards and Offline Temporary Slip.

(a) The 16 Kb ECHS Cards are no more valid wef 01 Apr 2021 as promulgated vide Para 9 of CO ECHS letter under reference.

(b) The offline temporary slip is no more valid wef 01 Apr 2021 as promulgated vide Para 8 of letter under reference.

4. Provision of Guest User.

(a) A guest user module has been implemented at all polyclinics to enable 16Kb ECHS card holders and offline temporary slip holders to apply for new 64Kb ECHS cards at polyclinics . Detailed instructions were promulgated vide CO ECHS letter No. B/49711-NSC/AG/ECHS/guest user dated 13 May 2021(Copy attached).

(b) In case of Emergency the 16Kb ECHS card holder and offline temporary slip holders can go to OIC parent polyclinic & get the online application for new 64Kb ECHS card filled with few details using the guest user module. Then a temporary slip can be generated and used to provide medical cover. However, the proceas of completing the online application and getting the verification done should be within 30 days. In case application is not verified then the temporary slip will stop functioning.

5. Action by ECHS Beneficiary Incase of Emergency.

(a) In case of emergency the ECHS beneficiary who is a 16KB card holder or a offline temporary slip holder may approach empanelled hospital and initiate the process of treatment on payment and inform the parent polyclinic/nearest polyclinic.

(b) The ESM/primary beneficiary/any family member should approach the OIC parent polyclinic to fill the form using guest user and collect the online temporary slip thus generated and get is countersigned from the OIC parent polyclinic.

(c) The ECHS beneficiary will be required to attach online temporary slip duly validated from the OIC parent polyclinic to process such claim.

6. Submission of Claim All 16Kb ECHS card holders and offline temporary slip holders will be required to attach online temporary slip duly countersigned by the OIC Parent Polyclinic generated from guest module or online application portal while submitting all types of reimbursement claims.

7. All Regional Centre are advised to promulgate contents of this letter to all empanelled hospitals under their respective jurisdiction.

(Rakesh Kakar)
Col (Retd)
Jt Dir (Stats & Automation)

Read also: Utilization of ECHS services – Validity of ECHS Cards & Temporary Slips – [ECHS No. B/49711-NSC/AG/ECHS/Gen Corr  dated 03 Aug 2020]

Source : Click here to view/download PDF

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