Mandatory Foundational Training Programme of DR ASOs of CGLE-2018 – DoPT OM dated 23.09.2021

Mandatory Foundational Training Programme of DR ASOs of CGLE-2018 – DoPT OM dated 23.09.2021

Mandatory Foundational Training Programme of DR ASOs of CGLE-2018 – DoPT OM dated 23.09.2021

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated: the 23rd September, 2021


Subject: Mandatory Foundational Training Programme of DR ASOs of CGLE-2018 — Reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 16.09.2021 and 17.09.2021 vide which a total of 884 DR ASOs of CGLE 2018 were nominated for the 12-week Phase — I of the Mandatory Foundational Training Programme (FTP) being conducted by ISTM from 20.09.2021 to 10.12.2021.

2. It has come to notice that, these DR ASOs are facing various problems regarding logistical and technical support etc. They have also informed that at times they are required to complete the allotted work by their Ministries/Departments during the training hours also.

3. It may be appreciated that the scheme of the redesigned Foundation Training Programme has a great role in grooming and evolving these DR ASOs into competent resources for Government of India. Therefore, emphasis is laid on punctuality, participation and timely completion of assignments allotted to the officers. The Ministries/Departments where these ASOs are posted are required to allow them adequate time and flexibility so as to enable them to attend the training sessions, absorb the contents and apply them in their work place. It is emphasized that the purpose of the Foundation Training Programme gets defeated if infrastructure, logistics and functional constraints are coming in the way of these ASOs.

4. In view of the problems being faced by these ASOs, all the Ministries/Departments are requested to resolve the above issues on priority basis and allow them to participate in ISTM training with full focus and undivided attention to training and learning. The trainee officers should not be assigned any work during the allotted training sessions during the Phase-II of FTP. Besides they may be allowed to utilize the desktop/printer etc. to attend the training programme.

5. The Nodal officers so appointed by each Min/Deptt. in terms of the OM of even no. dated 04.08.2021 should facilitate the training of the officers and ensure that the problems faced by these ASOs are settled immediately. The officers attending the training are also requested to contact the Nodal Officers of their Ministry/Department for early resolution of their grievances.

(George D. Toppo)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel: 011-24622705

l. All concerned Ministries/Departments through DoP&T website
2. Concerned ASOs

Source : Click here to view/download PDF

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