Day: November 30, 2021

Guidelines on Rationalization of financial transactions towards Gratuity, Commutation, Leave Encashment, DLIS, Provident Fund etc.: KVS

Guidelines on Rationalization of financial transactions towards Gratuity, Commutation, Leave Encashment, DLIS, Provident Fund etc.: KVS

Guidelines on Rationalization of financial transactions towards Gratuity, Commutation, Leave Encashment, DLIS, Provident Fund etc.: KVS ...
FORM-II for giving Prior intimation or seeking prior sanction under Rules  18(3) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 for transaction in respect of Movable Property

FORM-II for giving Prior intimation or seeking prior sanction under Rules  18(3) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 for transaction in respect of Movable Property

FORM-II for giving Prior intimation or seeking prior sanction under Rules  18(3) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 for transaction in respect of Movabl ...
FORM-I for giving Prior intimation or seeking prior sanction under Rules  18(2) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 for transaction in respect of Immovable Property

FORM-I for giving Prior intimation or seeking prior sanction under Rules  18(2) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 for transaction in respect of Immovable Property

FORM-I for giving Prior intimation or seeking prior sanction under Rules  18(2) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 for transaction in respect of Immovab ...
CCS(Conduct Rules), 1964 के नियम (18) के अंतर्गत चल एवं अचल संपत्ति से सम्बंधित संव्यवहार की पूर्व मंजूरी/ सूचना – फॉर्म-। एवं फॉर्म-।।

CCS(Conduct Rules), 1964 के नियम (18) के अंतर्गत चल एवं अचल संपत्ति से सम्बंधित संव्यवहार की पूर्व मंजूरी/ सूचना – फॉर्म-। एवं फॉर्म-।।

CCS(Conduct Rules), 1964 के नियम (18) के अंतर्गत चल एवं अचल संपत्ति से सम्बंधित संव्यवहार की पूर्व मंजूरी/ सूचना - फॉर्म-। एवं फॉर्म-।। कार्यालय रक्ष ...
Facility of Indian Sign Language Translators in the Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops to be organized: Railway Board Order

Facility of Indian Sign Language Translators in the Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops to be organized: Railway Board Order

Facility of Indian Sign Language Translators in the Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops to be organized: Railway Board Order सरकार ने दिव्‍यांगजन अधिकार ...

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