Enhancement of Ex-gratia Death Relief fund to 8 lakh in case of normal death (other than Covid-19) of an employee of central board

Enhancement of Ex-gratia Death Relief fund to 8 lakh in case of normal death (other than Covid-19) of an employee of central board

Enhancement of Ex-gratia Death Relief fund to 8 lakh in case of normal death (other than Covid-19) of an employee of central board

कर्मचारी भ्रविष्य निधि संगठन
(श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार)
Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. Of India)
मुख्य कार्यालय /Head Office
भविष्य निधि भवन, 14.भीकाजी कामा प्लेस, नई दिल्‍ली-110066
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14- Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi — 110066
www.epfindia.com, www.epfindia.gov.in


The All ACC (HQ)(Zones)/ACC(Zones)/Director(PDNASS)/ACC(ASD)
President, Regional Staff Welfare Committees.

Subject:- Enhancement of Ex gratia Death Relief Fund of Rs. Eight Lakhs in the event of death of an employee of the Central Board due to Non -Covid-9 (normal death) – Regarding.

References:-(i) HO letter No Welfare /3(100)2017-18/26th meeting/10594 Dated 25.08.2017.
(ii) HO letter No.Welfare/3(136)2019/Policy Matters/8, Dated 28.04.2020.
(iii)HO letter No.B-11/1/20-HRM -VI Dated 10.09.2020.
(iv)HO letter No. B-11/1/20-HRM -VI Dated 01.06.2021.


I am directed to refer to the above mentioned letters on the subject cited above and to  convey  approval  of Central  Provident  Fund  Commissioner/  President, Central Staff Welfare Committee, Employees’ Provident Fund to enhancement of the amount of Ex-gratia Death Relief Fund from  Rs.4.20 Lakh to Rs. 8.00 Lakh. The ex-gratia Death Relief Fund of Rs.8.00 Lakh (Rs. Eight Lakh only) shall be paid to the family members (nominee or legal heirs) of the deceased employee of the Central Board from the Welfare Fund where cause of death is  other than Covid-19 Disease. As  far as the death cases due to Covid-19  are concerned, the same will be governed by the instructions issued by Head Office vide  letter dated 28.04.2020.

2.         The instructions shall come into force with immediate effect and will be applicable to only prospective cases i.e. cases where date of death is after the date of issue of this circular.

Yours faithfully,

(Uma Mandel)
Addl. Central PF Commissioner (HRM)/Secretary, EPF, CSWC

Copy to:-

  1. All members of EPF. CSWC and CSPB.
  2. Staff Officer to CPFC.
  3. FA & CAO,CVO, All ACCs (HQ)/ACCs Head Office.
  4. All RPFCs In charge of the Regional Offices.
  5. All the IAPs/ ZVDs.
  6. RPFC (NOC) Dwarka, Delhi – For uploading on the EPFO official website.
  7. Director (OL) – EPFO. Head Office, New Delhi- For Hindi version

(Rajkamal Meena)
Asstt. PF Commissioner (HRM)

Source: Click here to view/download the PDF

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