Day: January 30, 2023

OROP-2 Pension w.e.f. 01.07.2019 : Table-11 for Regular Commissioned Officers (Excluding Officers of MC/ ADC/ RVC/ MNS/ TA/ EC/ SSC)

OROP-2 Pension w.e.f. 01.07.2019 : Table-11 for Regular Commissioned Officers (Excluding Officers of MC/ ADC/ RVC/ MNS/ TA/ EC/ SSC)

OROP-2 Pension w.e.f. 01.07.2019 : Table-11 for Regular Commissioned Officers (Excluding Officers of MC/ ADC/ RVC/ MNS/ TA/ EC/ SSC) Appendix to Gove ...
OROP-2 Pension w.e.f. 01.07.2019 : Table-10 for JCOs and other Ranks of Territorial Army

OROP-2 Pension w.e.f. 01.07.2019 : Table-10 for JCOs and other Ranks of Territorial Army

OROP-2 Pension w.e.f. 01.07.2019 : Table-10 for JCOs and other Ranks of Territorial Army Appendix to Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter ...
Half day walkout protest by Associations on 2nd February 2023 – CGA order dated 25.01.2023

Half day walkout protest by Associations on 2nd February 2023 – CGA order dated 25.01.2023

Half day walkout protest by Associations on 2nd February 2023 - CGA order dated 25.01.2023 No. 23006/4/2020-NGE-CGA/360 Government of India Ministr ...

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