OROP-2 Pension Table-3 : Rates of Retiring Pension as per OROP Revision w.e.f. 01.07.2019 for Commissioned Officer of Territorial Army

OROP-2 Pension Table-3 : Rates of Retiring Pension as per OROP Revision w.e.f. 01.07.2019 for Commissioned Officer of Territorial Army

OROP-2 Pension Table-3 : Rates of Retiring Pension as per OROP Revision w.e.f. 01.07.2019 for Commissioned Officer of Territorial Army

Appendix to Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1)1)/2019/D(Pen/Pol)/Vol-II dated 20th January, 2023





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Note –

  1. For revision of pension, the qualifying service mentioned in first column shall be taken as actual qualifying service rendered for which pension had been sanctioned.
  2. To cover invalid out cases, rates of pension has been indicated from 1/2 years of service upto Colonel rank and from 20 years of service for Brigadier and above ranks though such cases may not occur in reality in
    higher ranks.
  3. Service Element of Disability/Liberalized disability/War Injury Pension & Invalid pension, shail also be revised by the rates mentioned in the tabie.
  4. Rates for Lt. Gen (HAG +) are applicable for post 2006 retirees only.
  5. Lower rates of higher qualifying service or blank rates are protected with higher rate of lower qualifying service in same rank (in same column), resulting same rates in some qualifying services.
  6. Lower rates of higher rank are protected with higher rate of lower ranks in same qualifying service ( with adjacent column), resulting similar rates in some ranks in some qualifying services.

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