Launch of HRMS Module for on-boarding of new employees : A step towards complete digitalization

Launch of HRMS Module for on-boarding of new employees : A step towards complete digitalization

Launch of HRMS Module for on-boarding of new employees : A step towards complete digitalization

Ministry of Railways (रेल मंत्रालय)
Railway Board (रेलवे बोर्ड)

File No. PC-VII/2022/HRMS/34

New Delhi, dated: 06.02.2023

The General Managers,
All India Railways & Production Units,
(As per mailing list)

Sub: – Launch of HRMS Module for on-boarding of new employees

This is to inform that in a step towards complete digitalization of all the service related aspects of Indian Railway employees, a new Module has been launched in HRMS on a 03.02.2023 for On-boarding of New Employees, which covers the following processes:

(i) Updation of RRB / RRC notification details by the concerned unit, wherever applicable.
(ii) Updation of mandatory details pertaining to the new Joinee by the concerned unit, and generation of HRMS ID.
(iii) Updation of other personal details by the Joinee through his HRMS user account. .
(iv) Issue of office order by the concerned unit.
(v) Entry of appointment date by the concerned unit, followed by automatic updation of employee master for the employee, and automatic generation of e-SR.
(vi) Automatic transmission of employee data to IPAS

2. For operationalization of the aforementioned new module, a familiarization cum training session will be organised by CRIS. Dates and link for the said online training session shall be intimated separately.

(Jaya Kumar G)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission-VII & HRMS
Railway Board

Source : Railway Board

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