Benefit of CGEGIS on Re-Classification of posts according to Grade Pay of Master Craftsman of DGQA

Benefit of CGEGIS on Re-Classification of posts according to Grade Pay of Master Craftsman of DGQA

Benefit of CGEGIS on Re-Classification of posts according to Grade Pay of Master Craftsman of DGQA


भारतीय प्रतिरक्षा मजदूर संघ
Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh

REF: BPMS / DGQA / CGEGIS / 71 (7/3/R)

Dated: 13.05.2023


The Director General,
Dte Gen of Quality Assurance,
Govt of India, Min of Defence,
Defence Office Complex, Africa Avenue Road,
PO – Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi -110023

Subject: – Benefit of Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme on Re-Classification of posts according to Grade Pay of Master Craftsman.


With due regards, it is submitted that the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide its Notification G.S.R. 552 (E), Dated 28th July 2009 has amended the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 whereby Master Craftsmen has been granted the Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- and Highly Skilled Workers are split in a ratio of 50 : 50 and re-designated as Highly Skilled Worker Grade-II (Grade Pay of Rs. 2400 in Pay Band PB — 1) and Highly Skilled Worker Grade-I (Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/- in Pay band PB — 1).

Accordingly the pay scale of Master craftsman has been revised from Rs. (4500 — 7000) to Rs. (5000 — 8000) vide MOD letter F. No. 11(5)/2008/D(Civ-I) Dated 28th Aug, 2009 as per SRO — 11 E and the post of Highly Skilled (4000 — 6000) has been bifurcated in the ratio of 50 : 50 whereby 50 per cent incumbents have been upgraded as Highly Skilled grade — I in the pay scale of Rs. (4500 — 7000). As per above notification, the artisan staff in MOD 1s restructured w.e.f. 01.01.2006 as under —

  1. Skilled (5200 — 20200) plus 1900 Grade pay
  2. Highly Skilled—II ( — Do– ) plus 2400 Grade pay
  3. Highly skilled — I ( — Do– ) plus 2800 Grade pay
  4. Master Craftsman (9300 — 34800) plus 4200 Grade pay

It is also submitted that Department of Personnel & Training vide their S.O. 946 (E), dated 9th April, 2009, re-classified the posts on the basis of Grade Pay and accordingly the Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- has been classified as Group ‘B’.

In order to facilitate the Central Government Employees, at a low cost and on a wholly contributory and self financing basis, the twin benefits of an insurance cover to help their families in the event of death during service and a lump sum payment to augment their resources on retirement, the CGEGIS 1980 was introduced and Para 5.2 of GOI, Min of Finance O.M. dated 31-01-1989 and 09-08-1989 stipulates that rate of subscription for the scheme shall be Rs. 60/- for Group ‘B’ Employees and the amount of insurance cover will be Rs. 60000/- (Sixty Thousand).

This issue (deduction of subscription of CGEGIS) has been raised by BPMS in the Steering Committee meeting for 89th Departmental Council (JCM) (MOD) as Agenda Point No. 106 and the minutes forwarded vide MOD ID No. 5(1)/2010/D (JCM), dated 27th Aug, 2010 stipulates that CGDA has issued to all the controllers to deduct the monthly subscription towards CGEGIS as per re-classification of posts in compliance with MOD ID No. 10(1)/2012/D(Civ.ID), dated 29.06.2012.

It is learnt that the subscription of CGEGIS from MCM in DGQA is still being deducted only Rs. 30/- per month which is applicable for Group ‘C’ employees, whereas the Master Craftsman is to be construed as Group ‘B’ employees and their subscription should have been deducted @ Rs. 60/- per month w.e.f. 01.01.2006. It 1s worth to mention here that other Dtes/HQrs of MOD including erstwhile OFB has implemented the above instruction except DGQA. Copy of the OFB letter 1s enclosed for your ready reference.

Hence, you are requested to issue necessary directives to the concerned authorities so that MCM of DGQA may also be entitled for subscription of CGEGIS @ Rs. 60/- per month.

Thanking you.

Sincerely yours

General Secretary/BPMS &
Member, JCM-II Level Council (MOD)

Copy to: Shri Maruti Pawar, Member, JCM-III Level Council (DGQA). – Kindly liaise with the authorities to resolve the issue.

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