Conduct of Special SAS Part-II Examination in the Pre-Revised Syllabus during June/July 2023

Conduct of Special SAS Part-II Examination in the Pre-Revised Syllabus during June/July 2023

Conduct of Special SAS Part-II Examination in the Pre-Revised Syllabus during June/July 2023

कार्यालय, रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक
प्रशिक्षण एवं विकास केंद्र, बरार स्‍क्‍वायर, दिल्‍ली छावनी-10 
O/o The Controller General of Defence Accounts


Dated: 28th April, 2023


All PCSDA, including Principal IFAs,
All Controllers of Defence Accounts, including IFAs,
The Principal Controller of Accounts (Fys) Kolkata,

Subject: Conduct of Special SAS Part-II Examination in the Pre-Revised Syllabus

Consequent upon notification of the revised SAS Rules 2019 circulated vide HQrs office Most Important Circular No.AN/SAS/16200/Restructuring/2019 dated 22.03.2019, the SAS Examination will now be conducted on Computer Based Test as per revised SAS Rules 2079.

2. As per Para 5(iii) of the ibid circular, MoD(Fin) have approved that after implementation/notification of Computer Based Test under new syllabus, if it is considered necessary at any stage, to provide any special chance to the pre-revised syllabus candidates, further SAS Part-II Examination(s) may be conducted. Accordingly, it has been decided by the Competent Authority to conduct a Special SAS Part-II Examination in the pre-revised syllabus in the month of June/ July 2023 for leftover candidates including 3 (three) SAS Apprentice who have qualified the SAS Part-I Examination in the pre-revised syllabus. The final schedule of the examination will be notified shortly.

3. The content of the letter may kindly be brought to notice of all concerned please. No separate hard copy of letter is being dispatched.



(i) MoD (Fin), DAD Coord, South Block, Delhi – For information please.

(ii) AN-IV/AN-VIII Section (Local) – For information

(ii) IT&S Section (Local) – For uploading on WAN/ Website

(S. K. Khantwal)


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