De-empanelment of HCOs under CGHS Chandigarh due to failure to provide cashless services to CGHS Pensioner and other reasons: CGHS Order dated 3-May-2023

De-empanelment of HCOs under CGHS Chandigarh due to failure to provide cashless services to CGHS Pensioner and other reasons: CGHS Order dated 3-May-2023

De-empanelment of HCOs under CGHS Chandigarh due to failure to provide cashless services to CGHS Pensioner and other reasons: CGHS Order dated 3-May-2023

Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family welfare
Office of Additional Director CGHS
Fourth floor, Kendriya Sadan, Sector -9, Chandigarh-160009

No: AD/CGHS/HCO/De-empanelment/2023- 122-126

Dated: 03.05.2023

Office Order

The following HCOs empanelled under CGHS Chandigarh are de-empanelled-for the reasons mentioned against their name.

S.No. Name of HCO City Date of de- empanelment Reasons for de-empanelment
1 Dr Shamer Singh Memorial Radio Diagnostic Centre SCF 13-14, Sector 16-D, Chandigarh 01.05.2023 NABH validity expired
2 Dr Lal Path Lab SCO 817-18, IInd floor, Sector 22-A, Chandigarh 03.05.2023 Shifting of Lab to new premises / change in NABL status
3 SRL LIMITED, Chandigarh SCO 24, SECTOR-11-D, Chandigarh- 160011 03.05.2023 Failure to provide cashless services to CGHS Pensioner beneficiaries and Non registering on PMJAY/ NHA portal even after repeated reminders
4 Health map diagnostic pvt Itd. Room No. 35, Civil Hospital, Sector 6, Panchkula 03.05.2023 Failure to provide cashless services to CGHS Pensioner beneficiaries and Non registering on PMJAY/ NHA portal even after repeated reminders
5 Dogra Path lab LLP 16 Urban Estate, Sector-7, Ambala City 134003 06.01.2023 Withdrawal from empanelment after one month notice

(Dr.Ashwani Kumar)
Addition Director
C.G.H.S. Chandigarh

Copy forwarded to:

1) CMO I/C, CGHS W.C-1 Chandigarh and all CGHS cities under Chandigarh
2) NHA
3) MCTC for publishing at CGHS website

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