Constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission: Pensioners Associations are ready for united action

Constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission: Pensioners Associations are ready for united action

Constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission: Pensioners Associations are ready for united action

BPS ready for Common Action on 8th CPC!

NCCPA wrote to BPS for united action of Pensioners on 8th CPC!

Reply from BPS is positive!

Let us join hands and create pressure on Union Government!

NCCPA writes to SG BPS

Dear Comrade Maheswariji – Greetings. We are glad that we saw that the BPS is moving forward to unite all the pensioners associations on the issue of formation of 8th Central Pay Commission by the Central Government. NCCPA and all its affiliates are ready to cooperate with BPS for the formation and submission of a united memorandum as before while Comrade S.K.Vyas was alive and strived to create a common memorandum. Kindly invite us to your meetings for creation of common approach in this issue – Regards – K.Ragavendran Secretary General NCCPA.

Reply email from SG BPS

Thank you for your mail. BPS welcomes all who come forward to join hands to pursue common issues jointly & severally. Including a common memorandum to the 8th CPC.I will be at Chennai from 21stJuly 023 A.N to 22.7.23 to attend AIFPA Chennai (our MOU Partner) annual conference. We can meet there if possible. BPS AGM will be on 18.11.2023 at Delhi. The meeting can be fixed earlier also. Earlier I told Comrade Mishra ji also that BPS is ready to work in coordination, but merger or affiliation with others is not possible. Due to old age ailments, my movements are very limited I am now 86 and searching for my replacement vigorously. One more thing I wish to share.BPS is not in favour of creating Department wise Associations. – Regards – S.C.Maheswari SG BPS

Reply to BPS expressing readiness!

Dear Maheswariji – greetings. Received your reply email today and very happy to note that your organization BPS is ready for united approach on 8th CPC. Kindly fix any date and we are ready to attend and New Delhi may be a better venue due to easy attendance for you. On 19th July to 21st i will be in Delhi while you visit Chennai. Therefore, any date after 10th AUGUST we are free to attend the meeting fixed by you. We are talking about united action only and our respective organization will function in its present structure and direction. Merger or affiliation is not in the cards. Your ideology of not favouring Department wise organisations or our ideology of both Department wise or CGPA type of organisations working together under a common umbrella need not come in our way of united and common action on our unified tactics on 8th CPC formation and presentation of common memorandum and united approach. Looking forward eagerly of a date prescribed by you for attending in it – Let us forget or sideline our other differences and follow united approach on agreed item. Regards – K.Ragavendran Secretary General NCCPA

Source: NCCPA Blog []

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