Eligibility of facilities, perks, perquisites etc. to the Chief Vigilance Officers, holding additional charge – CVC Circular No. 05/06/23

Eligibility of facilities, perks, perquisites etc. to the Chief Vigilance Officers, holding additional charge – CVC Circular No. 05/06/23

Eligibility of facilities, perks, perquisites etc. to the Chief Vigilance Officers, holding additional charge – CVC Circular No. 05/06/23

केन्‍द्रीय सतर्कता आयोग

सतर्कता भवन, जी.पी.ओ. कॉम्‍पलैक्‍स,
ब्‍लॉक-ए, आई.एन.ए., नई दिल्‍ली-110023
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block AL INA, New Delhi- 110023

सं./No — 023/VGL/052
दिनांक/Dated 26-06.2023

Circular No. 05/06/23

Subject: Eligibility of facilities, perks, perquisites etc. to the Chief Vigilance Officers, holding additional charge- regarding.


Commission’s Circular No. 3 (v)/99/5 dated 29.07.1999
Commission’s Circular No. 003/VGL/18 dated 17.09.2003
Commission’s Circular No. 25/07/06 dated 06.07.2006
DoPT OM No. 372/21/2009-AVD-III dated 12.10.2010
DoPT OM No. 372/9/2012-AVD-III dated 12.07.2012
DoPT OM No. 40/2/2018-EO (MM-CVOQ) dated 01.07.2019
DoPT OM No. 40/2/2018-EO (MM-CVOQ) dated 01.07.2021

In order to ensure effective vigilance administration, Chief Vigilance Officers (CVOs) are appointed in Central Government Organizations as head of vigilance units.

2. Every organization is required to have a separate CVO and in major organizations, CVOs are appointed on full time basis. However, on a few occasions, due to administrative reasons, an officer appointed as CVO in an organization is given additional charge to function as CVO of another organization(s), on temporary basis.

3. The Central Vigilance Commission and DoPT have issued guidelines from time to time regarding the pay structure, status, facilities, perks and perquisites admissible to CVOs. In order to bring transparency and remove ambiguity in respect of facilities available to an officer holding charge of CVO of more than one organization, it is clarified that the pay, facilities, perks and perquisites are to be availed by the CVOs, as may be admissible to them as CVO of the organization, where they are holding ‘substantive charge’. CVOs should not request for or avail of any facility, perks, perquisites etc. from the organization, where they are holding only additional charge.

4. The organizations where an officer is holding post of CVO on additional charge basis, should continue to provide the required support for discharging official duties to such CVOs. Such support may be in the form of use of office premises, adequate support staff, secretarial assistance in office, telephone, other office equipment, travel, accommodation on official tours etc. as may be required for discharge of official duties.

5. It may be noted for strict compliance with immediate effect.

(Rajiv Verma)


(i) The Secretaries of all Ministries/Departments of GoI
(ii) All Chief Executives of CPSUs/Public Sector Banks/Public Sector Insurance Companies/Autonomous Bodies etc.
(iii) All CVOs of Ministries/Departments of GoI/CPSUs/Public Sector Banks/Public Sector Insurance Companies/Autonomous Bodies etc.
(iv) Website of CVC


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