Instructions for Purchase of Laptops/ Notebooks and Similar Devices for eligible officers – Revised Guidelines : Requisition of laptops/notebooks and similar devices 

Instructions for Purchase of Laptops/ Notebooks and Similar Devices for eligible officers – Revised Guidelines : Requisition of laptops/notebooks and similar devices 

Instructions for Purchase of Laptops/ Notebooks and Similar Devices for eligible officers – Revised Guidelines : Requisition of laptops/notebooks and similar devices

No.: IT-11/3/2022-ADGIT3
Government of India
Ministry of Communication
Department of Telecommunications
(Information Technology Cell)

1419, Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi-01
Dated: 18.08.2023


Subject: Instructions for Purchase of laptops/ Notebooks and Similar Devices for eligible officers- Revised Guidelines.

Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance has revised the instructions regarding purchase of laptops/notebooks and similar devices for eligible officers vide OM No. 03(20)/2022-E. II (A) dated 21 July, 2023 in supersession to their OM bearing No. 08(34)/2017-E. II (A) dated 20.02.2018 and OM No. 3(6)/2020-E. II (A) dated 27.03.2020. The revised instructions are hereby endorsed.

2. New requisition for laptops/ Notebooks and similar devices may be sent in the revised proforma attached as Annexure-A & Annexure-B.

3. This issues with the approval of DDG (IT)

(Arpit Shukla)

Encl: As Above. [Instructions for Purchase of Laptops/ Notebooks and Similar Devices for eligible officers – Revised Guidelines : Requisition of laptops/notebooks and similar devices ]


Requisition of laptops/notebooks and similar devices
(With reference to DoE OM: 03(20)/2022-E.II (A) dated 21 July 2023)
(For Deputy Secretary or Equivalent and above)

Dated: ______________

Name of the Officer
Employee Code/Employee No.
(as mentioned in payslip)
Office address
Phone (Office)
Mobile No.
E-mail ( or @

2. A ______________ (name of Device) may be issued to undersigned for discharge of official work, in terms of OM: 03(20)/2022-E.II(A) dated 21 July 2023 issued by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance as per following: –

a) It is certified that, at present, no Device/Laptop of “Government of India’ is in possession of undersigned.


b) The device/Laptop issued to me by the Office of the ………………………………………. (Name of the office of last posting of officer) was surrendered by me on ……………………… at the time of handing over of charge of the post of ………………………………… and the receipt provided by that office is enclosed herewith.


c) The device/laptop having Model No. ……………………………………. and Serial No. ………………………. of …………………………….. make, which was issued to me by the department on dated……………………., has completed four (4) years. I want to retain the same with  reference to para-7(b) of OM. 03(20)/2022-E.II(A) dated 21 July 2023 issued by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance or surrender to Department (Device/Laptop will be allotted to the officer on issuance of retention or surrender order).

(Note: Strike out the para(s) which are not applicable)

Signature of Officer.

Recommendation of Head of Unit


Requisition of laptops/notebooks and similar devices
(With reference to DoE OM: 03(20)/2022-E.II(A) Dated 21 July 2023)
(For Section Officer and Equivalent/ Under Secretary and Equivalent)
(To be filled by the concerned Unit)

Dated: _______________

1) Name of the officer :
2) Designation :
3) Under Secretary (US) and Equivalent :
4) Section Officer (SO) and Equivalent :
5) Division :
6) (i) Whether officer has already been issued any laptop for functional duties beyond this category, if any? If yes, date of issue :
(ii) Entry in stock Register/ Asset Register :
7) Justification for :

(a) Under Secretary (US) and Equivalent:

Total No. of sanctioned Strength of ‘US and Equivalent’ in the Unit 50% of the sanctioned strength of ‘US and Equivalent’ in the Unit Total No. of Laptops issued to “US and Equivalent” in the Unit Justification for functional necessity for the above said officer

(b) Section Officer (SO) and Equivalent:

Total No. of sanctioned Strength of ‘SO and Equivalent in the Unit 50% of the sanctioned strength of ‘SO and Equivalent’ in the Unit Total No. of Laptops issued to “SO and Equivalent’ in the Unit Justification for functional necessity for the above said officer

(Administrative officer of the Unit)
Signed and Stamped:

8) Recommendation of Functional Units (Head):

Signed and Stamped:

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