Grant of Additional Pension of 5%, 10%, 15% & 20% at the age of 65,70,75 & 80 yrs respectively : RSCWS writes to MoF

Grant of Additional Pension of 5%, 10%, 15% & 20% at the age of 65,70,75 & 80 yrs respectively : RSCWS writes to MoF

Grant of Additional Pension of 5%, 10%, 15% & 20% at the age of 65,70,75 & 80 yrs respectively : RSCWS writes to MoF

(Estd. 1991, Regd. No. 1881 — Under Registration of Societies Act)
Head Office: 32, Phase- 6, Mohali-160055 (Mob: 9316131598, 8360452584)

No. RSCWS/CHD/Memo Addl. Pension/2023-13

Dated: 5-9-2023

Hon’ble Minister of Finance,
Government of India,
North Block, New Delhi.- 110001.


Sub: – Grant of Additional Pension of 5%, 10%, 15% & 20% at the age of 65,70,75 & 80 yrs respectively.

Ref: – GOI, DoP&PW F.No. 17/4/2021-P&PW(Coord.)-E.7648 Dated 04.04.2022

  1. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Pensioner’s grievances in its 110th report vide recommendation No. 3.28 had recommended that “The committee is of the view that Government should sympathetically consider the demand of Pensioner’s Associations for 5% additional quantum of pension on attaining the age of 65 years, 10% on 70 years, 15% on 75 years and 20% on 80 years to the pensioners.” as per the table below: –

On Attaining the Age of Additional Quantum of Pension of Recommended by the Parliamentary Committee
65 years 5% of Basic Pension
70 years 10% of Basic Pension
75 years 15% of Basic Pension
80 years 20% of Basic Pension
  1. Ministry of DoP&PW vide their above referred letter had stressed for early implementation of the above recommendations of the Parliamentary Committee.
  2. The Government seems to be in agreement with the above said recommendations for Additional Pension from the age of 65, 70 & 75 years but has not implemented the same due to its financial implications, as mentioned in 120th Report of Parliamentary Committee on Pensioners grievances.

  1. The Pensioners continue to suffer due to ever rising cost of sustenance in old age due to failing health, ever rising cost of Medicines besides those of other social and family responsibilities. Financial implications of the proposal for additional Pension may please be reviewed sympathetically keeping in view the hardship of the Pensioners with every passing year of age. The Government of India may please consider the proposal sympathetically and provide for requisite funds for the same.
  2. It is, therefore, requested that above said recommendations may please be implemented for grant of additional pension of 5% on attaining 65 years of age, 10% from 70 years of age and 15% on attaining 75 years of age, in line with 20% of additional pension as already granted on attaining the age of 80 yrs.

Yours truly,

Harchandan Singh
Secy. General/RSCWS

Copy for information & favourable action to:

  1. Secretary Finance (Expenditure), GOI, North Block, New Delhi- 110001.
  2. Secretary, PG & Pension, GOI, 5th Floor, Patel Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi — 110001.

Source: RSCWS

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