Procedure for uploading of Life Certificate for KVS pensioners getting pension through Indian Bank whose pension cases were processed through e-Pension portal

Procedure for uploading of Life Certificate for KVS pensioners getting pension through Indian Bank whose pension cases were processed through e-Pension portal

Procedure for uploading of Life Certificate for KVS pensioners getting pension through Indian Bank whose pension cases were processed through e-Pension portal

18, Institutional Area,
Saheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-110016.

F.No. 110230/e-Pension/2023/KVS(HQ)/P&I/3407

Date-: 20.10.2023

The Dy. Commissioner/Director,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices/ZIETs

Subject: Procedure for uploading of Life Certificate for KVS pensioners getting pension through Indian Bank (for SBI Pensioners, the earlier system will continue) whose pension cases were processed through e-Pension portal — reg.


With reference to the subject cited above, It is to bring your kind notice that the Annual Life Certificate in e-Pension portal for pensioners getting pension through Indian Bank is required to be submitted to Indian Bank. (Pension Disbursing Authority) in the month of November every year. Indian Bank will send alert through e-mail/SMS to all Pensioners on their respective e-mail IDs/ registered mobile numbers already available with Indian Bank as a reminder for submission of Life Certificate.

The modalities/options similar to Central Government employees for submission of Life Certificate are available for KVS Pensioners as mentioned here:-

1. Pensioners can submit Life Certificate online through Jeevan Pramaan Portal. The process of submission of Digital Life Certificate through “Jeevan Pramaan” may be viewed at UIDAI has provided details of all biometric devices, which are permissible for capturing biometrics of a person. Pensioners may visit the site to get information of all such devices. While submitting online Life Certificate, pensioner is required to select Indian Bank as Pension Disbursing Agency (PDA) as pension is being disbursed by Indian Bank irrespective of their Pension Bank Account.

2. Pensioners can also submit Life Certificate through Doorstep Banking services. DSB Agent shall visit the doorstep of Pensioner to render the service. Service can be booked by the pensioner through any of the 3 channels. i.e. Mobile App, Website or Toll Free Number. Charges, if any, for this service will be borne by the Pensioner himself,

  • Mobile App i.e. “Doorstep Banking (DSB)” can be downloaded from Google play store.
  • Pensioners can access through Web Browser 1.e. &
  • Through toll free Number:- 18001213721, 18001037188

3. Pensioner can also submit Life Certificate through Mobile App launched by India Post Payments Bank (IPPB). For leveraging this facility through Mobile, a pensioner has to download “Post info APP” from Google Play store. The process of submission of Digital Life Certificate through Postmen/Gramin Dak Sevaks may be seen at

4. Pensioners can also submit Life Certificates using the Face Authentication technology system based on UIDAI Aadhaar Software whereby it is possible to generate a Digital Life Certificate (DLC) from any Android based smart phone by capturing the live photograph of the pensioner for online submission on the Jeevan Pramaan mobile application. The process flow for generating DLCs through Face Authentication is available on DoPPW’s Pensioners’ Portal -> Jeevan Pramaan -> Process flow of face authentication technique for DLC generation.( Authentication%o20Process%20of%20Jeevan%20Pramaan%20App%20.pdf)

5. Apart from the above options, the following options are also available to the e-Pensioners to upload Life Certificate in e-Pension portal of Indian Bank through any unit of KVS, the steps are as under:-

  • Pensioner can approach (along with necessary documents i.e., PPO/Aadhar/PAN) to any unit of KVS viz Kendriya Vidyalaya/Regional Offices/ZIET/KV S(HQ) irrespective of their place of retirement.
  • The proforma of Life Certificate can be downloaded from e-Pension portal of Indian Bank from “Download” Menu by Head of the unit of KVS.
  • Proforma should be filled and signed by the Pensioner.
  • Life Certificate proforma should be verified from the data available in e-Pension portal like photograph, signature, Aaddhar and PAN of pensioner and signed by the Head of the Unit of KVS i.e Principal/Director/Dy. Commissioner.
  • Filled Proforma should be scanned, uploaded & sent to the Authority, who signed PPO i.e, DC of unit of KVS from where Pensioner retired, through “Upload Life Certificate” Menu available in portal by the Head of the Unit of KVS.
  • After receipt of Life certificate in e-Pension portal of Pension Sanctioning Authority, the same will be digitally signed and transmitted the Life Certificate to CPPC of Indian Bank by the Authority, who digitally singed PPO.

6. Pensioners those having Pension Account with Indian Bank, the following option are also available to them in addition to above options:

  • Pensioners can submit Life Certificate by visiting any Indian Bank Branch.
  • Video Life Certificate facility has also been implemented by Indian Bank. Pensioners can submit Life Certificate through this mode by visiting Bank Website -> Useful Links -> Online Services -> Online Video Life Certificate Submission.

Further, in the case of any difficulty is faced by the Pensioner in uploading of Life Certificate, he/she may contact the nodal officer of the region concerned. The list of nodal officers is placed at Annexure ‘A’ for ready reference. The whole process of uploading and transmission of Life certificate should be completed before 30.11.2023. All KVs should be sensitized in this matter. No hard copy of Life Certificate will be entertained by the Pension Disbursing Authority i.e., CPPC, Indian Bank. It is also to inform that for SBI Pensioners, the earlier system will continue.

Lastly, all Deputy Commissioner/Director/Principal are requested to be sensitive to the issue and extend all required support to the visiting Pensioner.

Yours sincerely,

Encl; As above.

(S N Gulia)
Joint Commissioner (Fin.)


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