Creation of Gautam Buddha Nagar Postal Division by bifurcation of Ghaziabad Postal Division and upgradation of Noida HO (HSG-I) to Gazetted HO-Department of Post order

Creation of Gautam Buddha Nagar Postal Division by bifurcation of Ghaziabad Postal Division and upgradation of Noida HO (HSG-I) to Gazetted HO-Department of Post order

Creation of Gautam Buddha Nagar Postal Division by bifurcation of Ghaziabad Postal Division and upgradation of Noida HO (HSG-I) to Gazetted HO-Department of Post order

No. 13/12/2019-PE-I
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(PE-I Section)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi — 110001
Dated: 30 October, 2023


The Chief Postmaster General,
Uttar Pradesh,

Subject: Creation of Gautam Buddha Nagar Postal Division by bifurcation of Ghaziabad Postal Division and upgradation of Noida HO (HSG-I) to Gazetted HO-reg.


I am directed to say that the proposal for creation of a Postal Division at Gautam Buddha Nagar by bifurcation of Ghaziabad Postal Division and upgradation of Noida HO (HSG-I) to Gazetted HO was examined in the Directorate in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing (IFW).

2. The proposal has been approved by the Competent Authority in DoP subject to the following conditions:

(i) Circle has stated that after down-gradation of Khurja HO into Khurja MDG, the surplus posts at Khurja HPO will be diverted to Bulandshahar HO/ Noida HO/Gautam Buddha Nagar Division. Such re-deployment of posts in the new division/HO shall be based on the workload of these establishments. Circle may kindly ensure that the re-deployment/ diversion of posts does not adversely affect the work of establishment(s) from which the posts are re-deployed/diverted.

(ii) Circle may ensure that re-deployment/diversion of Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts will be done in consonance with DoP letter No. Q-25/39/2022-PE-I dated 22.09.2022 vide which Circles have been delegated powers to re-deploy Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts with the approval of CIFA.

(iii) The expenditure involved in the creation of new division at Gautam Buddha Nagar and Noida HPO should be as minimum as possible. No additional fund will be allocated to the Circle in this regard.

(iv) The financial and functional performance of the bifurcated divisions/new division & Noida HPO will be reviewed by the circle after one year of creation of the new Division/HO. An assessment report in this regard will be furnished by the Circle to Directorate for examination by IFW, DOP.

3. In view of above, Circle is requested to take necessary action and send an Action Taken Report in the matter to this office at the earliest. The review after completion of one year is mandatory and the same may strictly be adhered to. Circle may also ensure quick execution of the action plan for improving revenue.

4. This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their Dy. No.102/2023-24/FA-CS(P) dated 25.10.2023.

Yours faithfully,

(R.N. Bharti)
Director (Estt.)
Tele: 011-2309 6235

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