Grant of Computer Advance to Non-Gazetted Staff: Railway Board Order 18.12.2023

Grant of Computer Advance to Non-Gazetted Staff: Railway Board Order 18.12.2023

Grant of Computer Advance to Non-Gazetted Staff: Railway Board Order 18.12.2023


No. 2023/F(X)II/PW/3

New Delhi, dated 18-12-2023

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways.

Sub: Grant of Computer Advance to Non-Gazetted Staff.

Ref: NR’s letter No.96/Admn/C/31/Pt-1/Corres/Computer Advance dated.27.04.2023.

Vide letter under reference, Northern Railway has sought clarification/guidance on non-inclusion of item “sanction of advance for the purchase of Personal Computer” in case of Non Gazetted staff in the MSOP-2018.

2. The matter has been examined and it has now been decided by Board to include the said item in MSOP-2018.

3. Accordingly, a new item is being inserted in MSOP-2018 as item no.30 A under Part-F (Non-Gazetted) as indicated below:

SN Nature of Powers PHOD/ CHOD/ HOD ADRM / SAG Officers in Field Units Divisional Officers, Extra-Divisional Officers & Officers in Headquarters REMARKS
30 (A) Sanction of advance for:

Purchase of Computer

PCPO/PFA (for Accounts deptt.)

Full Powers in respect of officers under their control.

DRM: Full Powers in respect of officers under the control.


Nil Finance concurrence is not necessary.

Note: Terms & Conditions prescribed under Board’s letter No.F(E)Spl./ 2016/ ADV.4/ 1 (7th CPC) RBE 10/2017 dated 07.02.2017 should be followed.

4. Please acknowledge receipt.

(Ashish Singh)
Director Finance (Expenditure)
(Railway Board)

Source: Click to view/download PDF

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