Empanelment of Private Day Care Therapy Centers for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy under CGHS Delhi / NCR : CGHS O.M

Empanelment of Private Day Care Therapy Centers for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy under CGHS Delhi / NCR : CGHS O.M

Empanelment of Private Day Care Therapy Centers for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy under CGHS Delhi / NCR : CGHS O.M

F.No.25-01/2018/CGHS/JD AYUSH
Ministry of Health &Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
Office of the Director, CGHS
R.K Puram, Sec-13, New Delhi-66

Dated:-     /01/2024


Subject: Empanelment of Private Day Care Therapy Centers for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy under CGHS Delhi / NCR.

With reference to the above mentioned subject attention is drawn to the Office Memorandum vide F.No.25-01/2018/CGHS/JD AYUSH/191-217 dated 31st May, 2023 whereby applications were invited for empanelment under CGHS from the NABH accredited AYUSH Centres and the following NABH accredited AYUSH Centres have been shortlisted for empanelment. These Centres submitted the MoA, Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) and letter of acceptance for the CGHS rates and are being notified as CGHS empanelled Day Care Therapy Centres with effect from the issue of this OM upto 27.06.2024, subject to the condition that these Centres have to on-board on the NHA platform within 30 days from the date of issue of this OM.

S.No. Name of the Centre System
1 Shishu and Maa panchkarma Centre (A Unit of Shishuparsh and Maa Healthcare Pvt Ltd.), Plot No. 504 Sector- 4 , near Vailshali Metro Station, Ghaziabad- U.P 201010. Email [email protected]
Contact No.- 8527283745, 9990862244
2 Sandhya Healthcare Ayurvedic Hospital (A Unit of Sandhya Health Care), 2291A Gali No. 2, Ambedkar Nagar, Haiderpur Delhi – 88
Email- [email protected]
[email protected]
Contact No.-9625889518, 9654864072
3 Yugrishi Global Healthcare Products, Gate No. 2, Anand Dham Ashram Bakkarwala, Nangloi, Najafgarh Road, New Delhi – 41. Email- [email protected]
Contact No.- 9587570999
4 Jiva Ayurveda Clinic And Panchkarma Center, Site No. 5, Jiva Marg, Sec 21 B, Faridabad, Haryana – 121001
Email- [email protected]
[email protected]
Contact No.-0129-4294810, 8295966766
5 Parth Panchkarma And Infertility Centre, Plot No.16, 3rd Floor Block C8, Sec-17, Dwarka, New Delhi- 78
Email- [email protected]
Contact No.- 8076421857, 011-69651200

The applicability of terms & conditions will be as per the MoA signed between CGHS and the concerned Centres.

Signed by
Manoj Jain
Date: 09-01-2024 09:51:58
(Dr. Manoj Jain)

Additional Director(HQ)-cum-Director, CGHS


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