Sanction of House Building Advance (HBA) in cases of joint ownership with spouse for outright purchase of a new flat wherein spouse of railway servant is not a railway/government servant: RBE No. 29/2024

Sanction of House Building Advance (HBA) in cases of joint ownership with spouse for outright purchase of a new flat wherein spouse of railway servant is not a railway/government servant: RBE No. 29/2024

Sanction of HBA in cases of joint ownership with spouse for outright purchase of a new flat wherein spouse of railway servant is not a railway/government servant: RBE No. 29/2024

Government of India (भारत सरकार)
Ministry of Railways (रेल मंत्रालय)
Railway Board (रेलवे बोर्ड)

RBE No. 29/2024

F(E)SPL./2023/ADV/3/6(7th CPC)

New Delhi, Dated:.22.03.2024

The General Managers/PFAs,
All Zonal Railways/PUs,

Sub.: Sanction of House Building Advance (HBA) in cases of joint ownership with spouse for outright purchase of a new flat wherein spouse of railway servant is not a railway/government servant.

On receiving a reference from one of the Zonal Railways on the above referred subject, a clarification was sought from the Nodal Ministry i.e. Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoOHUA). Now, on the basis of MoHUA’s reply, it is hereby clarified that sanction of House Building Advance (HBA) can be allowed in cases of joint ownership with spouse for outright purchase of a new flat wherein spouse is not a railway/government servant, if both are willing to mortgage the house/flat in favour of the President of India and give undertaking to this effect, provided other conditions mentioned in the HBA Rules, 2017 issued by MoHUA vide their OM No. 1.17011/11(4)/2016-H-IIl dated 09.11.2017(circulated in Railways vide Board’s letter dated 05.12.2017), as amended from time to time, are complied with.

2. This also disposes of South Eastern Railway’s letter No. SER/P-HQ/E-Gaz/290/M/1537/HBA, dated 18.8.2023.

3. Please acknowledge receipt.

(Sanjay Prashar)
Jt. Director, Finance(Estt.)
Railway Board

DA: Nil.

F(E)SPL./2023/ADV/3/6(7th CPC)

New Delhi, Dated:.22.03.2024

Copy forwarded to : The Dy. Comptroller & Auditor General of India (Railways), Room No.224, Rail Bhawan.

For Member Finance, Railway Board

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