DESW: Policy regarding construction of Sainik Rest Houses/Integrated Sainik Complexes

DESW: Policy regarding construction of Sainik Rest Houses/Integrated Sainik Complexes

DESW: Policy regarding construction of Sainik Rest Houses/Integrated Sainik Complexes

No. 22(1)/2023/D(Res-II)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Deptt of Ex-Servicemen Welfare

Sena Bhawan
New Delhi-110011
Dated: 26th July, 2024


The Chief Secretaries of all States/
UT administration

Subject:- Policy regarding construction of Sainik Rest Houses/Integrated Sainik Complexes.

     Sainik Rest Houses (SRHs) are constructed by the State Govt./UTs to provide Suitable and affordable accommodation to the Ex-servicemen during their short visits to State Capital/District HQs. Some States viz. Punjab, Chhattisgarh, Telangana & Rajasthan have already constructed Integrated Sainik Rest House/Complex(ISRH/ISC) wherein multiple facilities viz. SRH, RSB/ZSB Office, ECHS polyclinic, CSD canteen are completely or partially co-located within the same complex.

2.   The issue of Integrated Sainik Complex/Rest House was discussed in the 31st KSB meeting Chaired by Hon’ble Raksha Mantri and was decided that Integrated Sainik Complex is the way ahead to optimise land resources and also to provide convenience to ESM community. All the States/UT Govts. should consider Integrated Sainik Complex Model for the new projects to the extent feasible catering for the geographical and other constraints. KSB/DESW would contribute 50% of the cost of construction of such ISRH/ISC project akin to present Sainik Rest House (SRH).

3. The States/UTs have to consider the following criteria while progressing the case

(a) Land. To be provided “free of cost” by the State Govt.

(b) Construction. To be executed by the respective State Govt./UTs through its own/notified agency.

(c) Cost of Construction. Construction cost to be shared on 50:50 basis between the State Govt./UTs and KSB/MoD.

(d) Ownership of the Building. Rajya Sainik Board/State Govt./UTs

(e) Maintenance of the Building. To be undertaken by the respective RSB/State Govt./UTs from their own budget.

(f) Management/Running and Manning. The day to day running and manning related responsibilities of the different Components of the building will exclusively lie with the respective deptt. i.e Rajya Sainik Board/Zila Sainik Board in respect of Sainik Rest House & RSB/ZSB office, ECHS in respect of ECHS Polyclinic & DDG canteen services in respect of CSD canteen. Respective Deptts would liaise with the State authorities for their specific requirements viz. Fire safety checks, Garbage clearance, safety and security of men and material etc.

(g) Area/Scale. The Director RSB in consultation with State and authorities responsible for ECHS and CSD would prepare the design as per the extant orders catering for their requirements, envisaged growth of ESM/dependent population and complying modern building norms.

(h) Financial Capping. Based on the construction cost of the SRH in the last three years, it is recommended that a capping of Rs. 10 Crores would be reasonable. This may be reviewed after five years based on the experience gained on the concept of ISC.

4. Wherever, the construction of Integrated Sainik Complex/Rest House is not found feasible by the State Govt./UTs, construction of stand-alone Sainik Rest Houses shall continue to be considered for sharing 50% of the cost of construction by KSB/DESW and status quo would be maintained for ECHS Polyclinics and CSD canteen set up.

Encl: SOP

Yours faithfully,

(Raj Kumar)
Deputy Secretary (Res-II)
Tel 011-2301 5529

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