OROP: Revision of pension of Defence Forces Pensioners/Family Pensioners under One Rank One Pension (OROP) w.e.f. 01.07.2024

OROP: Revision of pension of Defence Forces Pensioners/Family Pensioners under One Rank One Pension (OROP) w.e.f. 01.07.2024

OROP: Revision of pension of Defence Forces Pensioners/Family Pensioners under One Rank One Pension (OROP) w.e.f. 01.07.2024

No. 1(2)/2023/D(Pen/Pol)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare

Sena Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated, the 4th September, 2024


The Chief of the Defence Staff
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Navy Staff
The Chief of Air Staff

Subject: Revision of pension of Defence Forces Pensioners/Family Pensioners under One Rank One Pension (OROP) w.e.f. 01 -07.2024-reg.


The undersigned is directed to refer this Ministry’s letter No. 1(2)/2023/D(Pen/Pol) dated: 10.07.2024 notifying revision of pension under One Rank One Pension (OROP) Scheme with effect from 01.07.2024 to all Pre-01.07.2024 Defence Forces Pensioners/Family Pensioners. Para 3 of the letter provides that detailed instructions relating to implementation of OROP along with tables indicating revised pension for each rank and each category, shall be issued separately.

2. The undersigned is now directed to say that in order to quicken the process of revision of pension / family pension, total 121 tables indicating rates of pension / family pension under OROP Scheme are appended to this order. The appended tables indicate revised rates of Retiring / Service /Special/ Disability / Invalid/Liberalized Disability/War Injury Pension including Disability Element ‘Impairment Relief/War Injury Element/War Injury Relief and Ordinary/Special /Liberalized Family Pension of Commissioned Officers, Honorary Commissioned Officers, JCOs/ORs and Non-Combatants (Enrolled) of Army, Navy, Air Force, Defence Security Corps & Territorial Army Retired/Discharged/Invalided Out from Service/died in service or after retirement. The existing pension of all Pre- 01.07.2024 pensioners/ family pensioners (except pensioners retired on or after 01.07.2014 on pre-mature retirement/own request as provided in para 4 of MoD Notification dated 07.11.2015 as amended vide Ministry of Defence, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare letter No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Pol) Part-II dated 06.06.2017) shall be enhanced with reference to applicable table for the rank (and group in case of JCOs/ORs) in which pensioned with reference to the actual qualifying service as shown in Column-I of the tables subject to maximum term of engagement from time to time. The rate of pension of pensioners/family pensioners drawing more than the revised rate of pension/family pension indicated in annexed tables, shall remain unchanged.


3. The provisions of this letter shall be applicable to all defence pensioners/ family pensioners who had been retired/discharged/invalided out from service/died in service or after retirement in the rank of Commissioned Officers, Honorary Commissioned Officers, JCOs/ORs and Non-Combatants (Enrolled) of Army, Navy, Air Force, Defence Security Corps, Territorial Army & Ex-State Forces and are in receipt of pension/family pension as on 01.07.2024 (except pensioners retired on or after 01.07.2014 on pre-mature retirement/own request).

3.1 The provisions of this letter, however, do not apply to UK/HKSRA/KCIO pensioners, Pakistan & Burma Army pensioners, Reservist pensioners, pensioners in receipt of Ex-gratia payments and pre mature retirement/own request pensioners retired on or after 01.07.2014 (as provided in para 4 of MoD Notification dated 07.11.2015).


4. It is provided in para 2.6 of MoD letter dated 10.07.2024 that the pensioners retired on or after 01.07.2014 on premature retirement/own request are not eligible for benefit of OROP. The information regarding premature retirement/own request are not available in PPO, hence table based revision by PDAs in such cases is not feasible.

5. The revised rates of pension under this letter are average of minimum & maximum rate of pension for a rank, group and a qualifying service of live data of 2023 retirees. Wherever, the rates of higher qualifying service of a rank are lower than rates of lower qualifying service in same rank or data is/are blank for higher qualifying service then the same have been protected by higher rate of lower qualifying service, due to this many rates in same column appears equal. Similarly, wherever the revised rate of pension under this order are lower in higher rank than rate in lower rank in same qualifying service then the same have been protected with higher rates of pension in lower rank in same qualifying service resulting similar rate in some qualifying service in two adjacent columns.

6. Where the revised pension as on 01.07.2024 worked out in terms of these orders, happens to be less than the existing pension/family pension as on 01.07.2024, the pension shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the pensioner/family pensioner.

7. The remaining implementing instructions/methodology mentioned in para 7 to 16 of GoI, MoD letter dated 20.01.2023 shall be equally applicable in implementation of this order except the date of effect i.e. 01.07.2024 instead of 01.07.2019.

8. All other terms and conditions which are not affected by this order shall remain unchanged.

9. This issues with concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their ID No. 10(01)/2019/Fin/Pen dated 12.08.2024.

Hindi version will follow.

(HC Arya)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tele No. 2301-2973
E-mail:- us-pen-pol[@]desw.gov.in

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