EPFO order on Deployment of functionality for capture of data of non EPS member

EPFO order on Deployment of functionality for capture of data of non EPS member

Employees Provident Fund Organisation
Head Office
Plate A, Ground Floor, Block II,
East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi-110023

Exemption/ELI Scheme/902100/2024-25/07

Dated: 17/01/ 2025


All Zonal ACC-HQs/ACCs (Zone)
All RPFC-I’s in charge of Regional Offices

Subject: – Deployment of functionality for capture of data of non EPS member – reg.

Ref: (1) Circular No. 002/2024-25/Exemption/ELI Scheme/9054 dated 12.12.2024.
Ref: (2) No Exemption/HO/KYC dated 18/09/2024.

Madam /Sir,

Apropos of the above referred circular No.(1) it is to inform that the ECR functionality to capture the data of Non EPS members of the P.F. Trusts, has been deployed in the Employer’s Portal.

2. A perusal of the circular issued above (No.1), clearly brings out the fact that UAN generation and activation are the most essential prerequisites for capturing the data of Non-EPS members through this functionality. In this context it may be recalled that instructions have already been issued vide circular dated 18/09/2024 to ensure UAN generation for all Trust members.

3. All RC-I’s and ACC (Zones) are hereby instructed to ensure 100% generation and activation of UAN’s of P.F. Trust members (EPS+ Non-EPS) and further guide the Exempted establishments to utilize the functionality for capturing this data. It may be reiterated that the Exempted Trusts are required to submit the information / ECR retrospectively from August 2023.

4. The deployment of the functionality may be brought to the notice of all the exempted trusts and establishments with a request to file the required ECRs at the earliest. Special camps can also be organized to achieve the task on a mission mode basis. The dashboard for monitoring the UAN activation of non-EPS P.F Trust members shall be displayed shortly on the MIS portal.

(This issues with the approval of the CPFC) .

Yours faithfully,

(Chandramauli Chakraborty)
Addl. Central P.F. Commissioner (HQ)

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