Clarification on New Promotional and Incentive Structure of PLI / RPLI
F .N o:28-03/ 201 9-LI (2)
Government of lndia
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Directorate of Postal Life Insurance)
Chanakyapuri P.O. Complex, New delhi-110021
New Promotional and Incentive Structure of PLI / RPLI – reg
1. This is regarding the new promotional and incentive structure of PLI/RPLI, circulated vide PLI Directorate OM NO. 28-03/2019 LI dated 19.06.2020 and implemented in Circles w.e.f. 01.07.2020
2. In this connection, certain queries have been received regarding procurement of PLI/RPLI business. These have been examined in PLI Directorate and the following is clarified:
Sl No. | Query | Clarification |
(1) |
Can sales force of PLI/RPLI Procure insurance business from outside their parent Postal Division? |
(i) Sales force of PLI/RPLI may procure PLI/RPLI business from anywhere in a Postal Circle. (ii) In such cases, PLI/RPLI /RPLI policy will be indexed at the HO CPC nearest to the adress place of residence of the insurant. (iii) No TA/DA will be payable to sales force of PLI/RPLI for produring PLI/RPLI business. |
(2) |
Are Sorting Assistant/AAO PACO cadre eligible to procure PLI/RPLI business? |
Yes, all categories of Departmental Employees drawing salary upto the Leve-8 (as per 7th CPC) including MTS Postman, PA, SA, PACO, IP, AAO, ASP etc. are eligible to proceure PLI/ROLI business. The present system of procuring PLI/RPLI buseness outside office hours by Departmental Employee will continue. |
3. This issues with approval of the competent authority.
Gurvinder Singh
Deputy Divisional Manager-I
Source: Department of Post