Conducting SCTP and TDP courses in online / digital / virtual mode – Revision of Course fee reg

Conducting SCTP and TDP courses in online / digital / virtual mode – Revision of Course fee reg

onConducting SCTP and TDP courses in online / digital / virtual mode – Revision of Course fee reg.

No. 1601 1/4/2020-TFA (C.No.3154391)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Training Division

Block-IV, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi

Dated the 7th October, 2020


Sub: Revision of Course fee for conducting SCTP and TDP courses in online / digital / virtual mode.

The undersigned is directed to say that this Department sponsors training programmes under State Category Training Programmes (SCTP) and Trainers Development Programme (TDP) components of the Training For All (TFA) Scheme for which the course fee at the rates as revised vide this Department’s OM No.12021/09/2012-Trg.I dated 17 October, 2013 (copy enclosed) is sanctioned.

2. In view of the prevailing public health emergency situation due to Covid-19 pandemic, this Department vide OM No. 1901 1/1/2020-TFA dated 3″ July, 2020 issued Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for functioning of training institutes. As per general guidelines of the SOP inter alia training programs, as far as possible, should be conducted in digital/online/virtual mode.

3. Keeping in view the above, it has been decided to revise the rates of course fees for conducting the training programmes in online /digital / virtual environment as under:

Course name Fee (in Rs.) Duration (in days) No. of participants
SCTP (State Level Course /District / sub-District Level Course) 1,100/- 3 25
TDP 1,500/- 3-26 9-88

4. As per the present arrangement, the course fee would be released quarterly to the Training Institutes on advance basis. In case, any Training Institute conducts these training programmes in physical (in-person) mode, in strict compliance of the SOP, owing to justifiable reasons, such Institutes may be entitled to payment of course fee at the existing rates and the difference of the amount, subject to actuals, would be reimbursed subsequently, after receipt of the Utilization Certificates (UCs) / course directors’ reports (CDRs) from such Institutes.

5. These orders are applicable to the aforementioned courses conducted on or after 1st August, 2020.

6. This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Division (H) vide O/o Director (F/P) Dy.No.3154391/650 dated 25th September, 2020.

(Dasari Ramesh Babu)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

  1. Chief Secretaries / Administrators of all the States / UTs

  2. Heads of all the State / UT Administrative Training Institutes, ISTM /IIPA/ PDNASS. New Delhi

Copy to

  1. P&AO, M/o Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi

  2. Home Finance — | Branch, M/o Home Affairs, North Block, New Delhi

  3. Under Secretary (B&A), D/o Personnel & Training, North Block, New Delhi

  4. Under Secretary (Budget), Training Division, D/o Personnel & Training, Old JNU Campus, New

  5. NIC, Training Division, DoPT — for uploading on Department’s website


Source: DOPT

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