Monthly Pension Adaalat- Either online or offline in the first fortnight of every month for the pensioners – EPFO

Monthly Pension Adaalat- Either online or offline in the first fortnight of every month for the pensioners – EPFO

Monthly Pension Adaalat- Either online or offline in the first fortnight of every month for the pensioners – EPFO

Head Office, Bhavishva Nidhi Bhawan,
14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi- 110066

No. Pension-1/1(5)/2021/Pension Adaalat/3205

Date: 02.03.2021


All Additional Central P.F.Commissioners (ZO’s)
All Regional P.F. Commissioner (Regional Offices)

Sub: Monthly Pension Adaalat- reg.


Pensioners/members of EPS 1995 need exclusive platform for closer interaction with EPFO officers for understanding the provisions of EPS 1995 and getting their grievance resolved. Therefore. it is hereby directed that each RO should hold ‘Pension Adaalat’ in the first fortnight of every month for the pensioners and the members of the EPS 1995 who are going to become pensioner in near future (preferably in next 03 months). Members and employers be suitably informed. Retiring members be facilitated to get their service transferred in respect of all establishments wherever they rendered service. All types of grievances related to pensioners should be redressed including non receipt of pension, Digital life certificates etc.

Interest at 8.5% for the Employees’ Provident Fund Members Account for the year 2019-20 : EPFO Order dated 04-JAN-2021

2. Pension Adaalat can be organized either online or offline. Wherever it is organized by physically inviting the participants, photographs be enclosed with report.

3. Monthly ‘Pension Adaalat’ should be conducted by the RPFC-1 level officer or in the event of unforeseen circumstances an officer next in hierarchy at the Regional Office.

4. A monthly report of the number of participants and date of Pension Adaalat should be forwarded by each RO to the respective ZOs which will forward the consolidated Report to the Pension Division in following format:

Name of ZO:
Name of the RO:

Sl No. No of prospective/ existing Pensioner attended the pension Adalat No of Grievance raised No of Grievance resolved

5. ZOs should monitor the performance of the RO’s and ensure that grievances, if any and other doubts of the members/pensioners are resolved expeditiously.

[This issues with the approval of CPFC]

Yours faithfully,

Regional P.F.Commisipner-T(Pension)


Source: []

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