DoPT OM : Consolidated instructions on compassionate appointment — Replacement of Para 13

DoPT OM : Consolidated instructions on compassionate appointment — Replacement of Para 13

Consolidated instructions on compassionate appointment — Replacement of Para 13 – Proforma regarding Employment of Dependents of Government Servants dying while in service/ Retired on invalid pensionn: DoPT OM F. No. 43019/9/2019-Estt.(D) dated 23.08.2021


F. No. 43019/9/2019-Estt.(D)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 23 August, 2021

Office Memorandum

Sub: – Consolidated instructions on compassionate appointment — Replacement of Para 13 – regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that consolidated instructions on compassionate appointment under the Central Government were issued vide this Department’s O.M. No. 140] 4/2/2012-Estt. (D) dated 16.1.2013. Para 13 of these consolidated instructions provides guidelines to the competent authorities in Ministries/Departments for dealing with requests/ applications seeking appointment on compassionate grounds and disposal of such requests/ applications thereof by the Ministries/Departments.

2. References have been received from different Ministries/ Departments relating to the procedure and modalities involved in processing claims of compassionate appointment. The lack of uniformity in processing such claims by different Government offices, has also come under scrutiny of the Courts including Central Administrative Tribunals. As a result, a need has been felt to bring in more objectivity and transparency as well as streamline the process in dealing with requests/Applications seeking compassionate appointment. The Hon‘ble Jabalpur Bench of the Central Administrative Tribunal, in its Order dated 26.9.2019, in O.A. No. 202/00756/2017 of Deepanshu Raje v/s Union of India & Others. inter-alia, directed Secretary. Department of Personnel and Training, to issue revised guidelines, so as to bring in more transparency and probity in the system in processing the claims of Compassionate Appointment.

3. Therefore, after careful examination, the procedure, as provided in O.M. dated 16.1.2013. has been reviewed in consultation with the major stakeholder Ministries/Departments. Accordingly. it has been decided to substitute existing Para 13 of the consolidated instructions (OM dated 16.1.2013), with revised Para 13 given in Appendix.

4. All Ministries/Departments may circulate these revised instructions to all offices under their administrative control and also issue. wherever necessary. departmental instructions for supplementing these guidelines, for dealing with requests/applications seeking appointment on compassionate grounds.

(Pradeep Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel. No. 23040339

All Ministries/Department of Government of India (as per standard list)


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