Implementation of CBS-CTS integration functionality for cheque clearance in CBS post offices

Implementation of CBS-CTS integration functionality for cheque clearance in CBS post offices

Implementation of CBS-CTS integration functionality for cheque clearance in CBS post offices – SOP for Inward & Outward Cheque Clearing – SB Order No. 24/2021

SB Order No. 24/2021

F. No. FS-10/3/2020-FS
Govt. of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(FS Division)

Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 18.08.2021


All Head of Circles/Regions

Subject: – Regarding implementation of CBS-CTS integration functionality for cheque clearance in CBS post offices


At present all HOs are processing their cheque clearance through three nodal grid HOs 1.e. New Delhi GPO, Chennai GPO, Mumbai GPO.

2. For smooth cheque clearing operation, to avoid manual remittance Advice (RAs) between HOs and Grid Nodal offices and for centralized accounting, functionality of CBS-CTS integration has been developed.

3. The competent authority has decided to implement CBS-CTS integration functionality for CBS post offices w.e.f. 23/08/2021. A detailed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for cheque clearing under CBS-CTS integration have been prepared and attached for information and further necessary action.

4. Some important aspects of cheque clearance under CBS-CTS integration as below: –
i) Chennai GPO 1s identified as Nodal Office for processing of cheque pertains to POSB operation in CBS post offices, centrally.
ii) Cheque received/presented in CBS post offices for POSB operation shall only
be processed through CBS-CTS Integration i.e. for new account opening/deposit in POSA, RD, SSA & PPF.
iii) All other cheques received/presented in non-CBS post offices and Non Banking cheques (PLI/MPCM counter/other cheque) shall be realized through the accredited bank of the concerned HOs only 1.e. Postmasters Bank Account as per existing provisions.
v) No CBS post office shall be allowed to open Inward/Outward cheque clearing
Zone in Finacle from 23.08.2021.
vi) HOs shall not lodge outward cheques on CBS post offices on 20.08.2021 to 22.08.2021. HOs shall start lodging outward cheques from 23.08.2021 in new CTS application.
vii) HOs shall clear their pending inward and outward clearing zone in Finacle by 20.08.2021.
viii) All post offices shall liquidate pendency of cheque clearing office account (SOL ID+0382) if any, by 20.08.2021.

5. Gist of process of cheque clearance in CBS post offices, after implementation of CBS-CTS integration is as under: –

A. Inward Cheque Clearing: – POSB cheque presented in Bank and received
through NPCI for clearance.

a) Grid wise Inward clearing cheques will be received through CTS application in Nodal Office Chennai GPO.
b) Technical validation of the cheques (1.e. signature/date/cheque no/account status) will be done in CTS application for all three grids. A text file will be created through CTS application by Nodal Office and uploaded in Finacle grid wise.
c) In Finacle, the posting of text file will be done and marking of Cleared/Rejected shall be done.
d) A response file will be created in Finacle and uploaded to CTS application.
e) CTS application will consolidate Finacle and non-CBS inward cheque cleared/reject data and sent to NPCI.

i) Refer to Branch: –

a) If any cheque having, Invalid Account Number, Cheque Not linked to Account, Invalid scheme accounts, Non-CBS accounts and Accounts with no signatures will be marked as “Referred to Branch”.
b) These cheques will be move to concerned HO of the post office (SOL) in CTS application.
c) All HOs shall ensure to login in CTS application daily to check whether any cheque referred to Branch 1s available.
d) Concerned HO to login to CTS application and modify Non CBS account number to CBS account number, if cheque is presented with old account number or link cheques against account in Finacle, verify signatures and complete technical validation for those cheques, which were referred to branch.
e) Concerned MICR HOs will reject the cheque with appropriate rejection reason in CTS or will mark as Cleared in CTS application for processing in Nodal Office in CBS.
f) After verification of signature/cheque detail and balance of cheque relates to non-CBS post office, concerned HO shall mark accept or reject for each cheque.
g) Necessary accounting for non-CBS cheque to be done at HO/SO on same day
without fail.

B. Outward Cheque Clearing : –

i) All CBS SOs shall prepare a manual list in prescribed proforma of cheque received for POSB operations (including cheque received in BOs (if any) and shall send to concerned HOs.
ii) Concerned HO shall check the list with cheques and lodge cheque in CTS application by 16:00 hrs.
iii) Cheque related to POSA shall be lodged 1n respective PO Savings Account.
iv) Cheque related to new account or RD/PPF/SSA account shall be lodged in concerned PO’s SOL ID+0382.
v) Nodal Office shall generate text file for three grids and share with NPCI.
vi) After receipt of response file from NPCI, text file shall be uploaded in Finacle
Grid wise and Posting shall be done in Finacle.
vil) Each CBS PO (HO/SO) shall check their SOL [D+0382 account on daily basis. If any credit is available, open respective account or funding in concerned account of RD/PPF/SSA on same day before EOD.

6. The non-CBS Post Offices shall continue to follow existing process. i.e. this functionality 1s not applicable in non-CBS Post Offices.

7. Detailed Standard Accounting Procedure (SAP) will be released shortly in consultation with Book PA Wing.

8. It 1s requested to circulate this amendment to all CBS Post Offices for information, guidance and necessary action.

9. Hindi version of this order will be issued in due course.

10. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

Enclosed: – SOP for Inward & Outward Cheque Clearing.

Yours faithfully

(Devendra Sharma)
Assistant Director (SB-II)

Implementation of CBS-CTS integration functionality for cheque clearance in CBS post offices - SOP for Inward & Outward Cheque Clearing - SB Order No. 24/2021

Source : Click here to view/download PDF

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