Jurisdiction of Ishapore Wellness Center under CGHS, Kolkata – OM dated 12.08.2021

Jurisdiction of Ishapore Wellness Center under CGHS, Kolkata – OM dated 12.08.2021

Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Office of the Additional Director
Central Government Health Scheme
6-Esplanade East. Ground Floor. Kolkata 700069.


12 August 2021


Subject: – Jurisdiction of Ishapore Wellness Center under CGHS, Kolkata – reg.

Pursuant to the order from Ministry of Health & Family Welfare vide no, Z.15025 / 49 / 2019 / DIR /CGHS dated 28th June 2021 the Ishapore Extension Counter has upgraded into a full fledged CGHS Wellness Centre (KO-24).

As per the recommendation of the demarcation committee constituted for the demarcation of jurisdiction of Ishapore CGHS Wellness Centre the following pin-code(s) have been included in the jurisdiction of Ishapore Wellness Centre as per the norms for demarcation laid down by the Directorate General of CGHS vide OM No. C.14012/02/2018/CGHS-III/DIR dated 06th April 2018.

  • Barrackpore — 700 120
  • Nona Chandanpukur — 700 122
  • Ishapore — 743 144
  • Bengal Enamel — 743 122

Serving eligible employees residing within the jurisdiction may apply as per rule for CGHS cards.

The revised jurisdiction will come into force with immediate effect.

Additional Director
CGHS Kolkata


Source: Click here to view/download PDF

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