Details of the anticipated beneficiaries of DoP&T OM dated 12.08.2021 (Relaxation in the eligibility service — change in the crucial date i.e. 1st January): FinMin

Details of the anticipated beneficiaries of DoP&T OM dated 12.08.2021 (Relaxation in the eligibility service — change in the crucial date i.e. 1st January): FinMin

F. No. 10C18/2/2020- Ad. IIB
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs

Room no. 243E, North Block
New Delhi, 11 March, 2022

All Cadre Controlling Authorities under CBIC.

Subject: Details of the anticipated beneficiaries of DoP&T OM dated 12.08.2021 – reg.


I am directed to refer to DoP&T OM dated 12-08-2021 and to state that forward the details of receipt of references where Officers requested to represent their case to DoP&T to grant relaxation of eligibility service by 03 months for the Vacancy Year 2019, 2020 & 2021 in terms of DoP&T O.M. F.No. AB-14017/17/2018-Estt.RR dated 12.08.2021. These officers were not considered for promotion in the DPCs held on 01.01.2019, 01.01.2020 & 01.01.2021 as they fall short in requisite service of 8 years in terms of then existing RRs of Supdt. (Cen. Ex.), 1986 or 6 years under Sr. Jr. Clause incorporated in said RRs w.e.f. 13.12.2018 by less than 03 month.

2. The concerned CCAs have informed that these officers may fall under the purview of Para 3 of DoP&T OM dated 12.08.2021 wherein it has been inter-alia mentioned that DoP&T continues to be the Authority which can grant relaxation upto 03 months on case to case basis for Vacancy Year 2019, 2020 & 2021.

3. Therefore, the board has decided to compile the details of all such officers in a format given below so that a consolidated proposal may be referred to DoP&T in light of Para 3 of the said OM dated 12.08.2021.

S. No. Name of the Officer D.O.B. Date of Joining Period of service in the grade of Inspectors as on * Number of days by which Officer falls short of eligibility service for the promotion to the grade of Superintendent as per DoP&T OM dated 12.08.2021 Details of the OA Representation filed, if any
01.01.2019 01.01.2020 01.01.2021

* Includes officers who are eligible for relaxation of 2 years (Sr/Jr clause)

4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Yours faithfully,

(S.K. Jain)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel: 23095584
E-mail: Sachin.jain[at]

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