Finalization of e-APAR of 2020-21 through HRMS – Railway Board order

Finalization of e-APAR of 2020-21 through HRMS – Railway Board order

Finalization of e-APAR of 2020-21 through HRMS – Railway Board order


No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/23

New Delhi, dated: 03.03.2022

The General Managers
All Indian Railways/PUs
(As per standard mailing list)

Sub: Finalization of e-APAR of 2020-21 through HRMS – reg.

Ref: Board’s letter No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/23 dated 30.11.2021

Please refer to Board’s letter cited above wherein the deadline for filing the self appraisal in e-APAR module of HRMS was extended till 31.12.2021 in view of certain issues faced by employees while filing their APARs through the HRMS system.

2. The present position of APARs pending finalization as provided by CRIS is as under:

APARs Finalized Self Appraisal Pending APARs pending with Reporting Officer APARs pending with Reviewing Authority   APARs pending with Accepting Authority
9,24,359 15,983 85,179 49,904 14,494

3. The matter has been examined in Board’s Office and it has been observed that large number of APARs are pending at the Reporting Officers level. It may be appreciated that views of Reporting Officer are essential to have a true reflection of the performance of the employees in the past year for judging his/her suitability in matters relating to career progression of the employee.

4. Keeping in view these factors, it has been decided to extend the timelines in respect of pending APARs which is as under:-

  1. The window for submitting the self appraisal through HRMS shall be available upto 10.03.2022. The Controlling Officers may please ensure that all the employees may submit their self appraisal for the year 2020-21 by that date. Thereafter, the APARs of the employees who have not submitted their self appraisal shall be initiated by the concerned Reporting Officers as per the extant instructions.
  2. The Reporting Officers shall focus on completing the appraisal process in respect of the e-APARs pending at Reporting Officer’s level by 15.03.2022 invariably.
  3. The review and acceptance of APARs pending with the respective authorities shall be completed by 20.03.2022.

5. All the PCPOs are requested to monitor the process to furnish the complaints within the stipulated timelines as mentioned above. This process may be assigned as top most priority considering the fact that APARs for the current year i.e. 2021-22 is getting due by 1 April 2022.

(M. K. Gupta)
Executive Director, Pay Commission-II
Room No. 152-B, Railway Board
Tele No. 011-47843120
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Copy to:

  1. PPS to PED/HR
  2. PCPOs/ All Zonal Railways/PUs
  3. General Manager/HRMS/CRIS

Source : Click here to view/download PDF

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