Membership under CCS(RSA) Rules 1998 and recovery of subscription for year 2022-23 – Exercising of option by the DAD(SAS)Officers & staff for Association
प्रधान लेखा नियंत्रक (निर्माणियॉं) कार्यालय
10-ए, एस के बोस रोड, कोलकाता – 700001
Office of Principal Controller of Accounts (Fys)
10-A, S. K. Bose Road, Kolkata — 700 001
No.067/ AN-I/ Association /X
Date: 21 .04.2022
Subject : Exercising of option by the DAD(SAS)Officers & staff for Association – membership under CCS(RSA) Rules 1998 and recovery of subscription for year 2022-23.
As per direction of HQrs Office, exercise of option of DAD(SAS)Officers & staff for Association membership for the year 2022-23 is to be held during month of April 2022.
2. Subsequent upon Post Corporatisation of Ordnance Factory Board, the mandatory requirement of exercising of option for association membership (option form/ withdrawal form) in respect of Officers/staff under the then effective strength of respective erstwhile Branch Accounts Offices /CFA Offices of PCA(Fys) Organisation, is required to be decided within a period stipulated in this regard.
3. HQrs Office vide letter No: Coord/Estt/ 17003 / Staff & SAS Officers /2022-25 dated 01.04.2022 has intimated that PCA(Fys) Kolkata is required to make arrangements and conduct the membership drive of all the employees under Factory Command as per HQrs Office circular 17.03.2022, as the monthly Pay & allowances are being processed by PCA(Fys ) M.O Kolkata. Accordingly, the matter has been pondered seriously and a meeting in this regard was held on 20.04.2022 by GO (Admin)/ SAO(AN) with the designated members of Staff Associations & DAD(SAS)Officer Association . The proposal of providing option form/ withdrawal form to the respective Officers/ staff of erstwhile Branch Offices concerned and the option exercised in such a fashion to be sent through NIC e-mail alongwith self attested copy of ID has since been agreed upon.
4. In compliance of the proposed course of action, approved by the Competent Authority, the undersigned is directed that Officer/staff of Br Accounts Offices / CFA. Offices desired to be member of a particular Service Association may download the Option Form/ Withdrawal Form from PCA(Fys) website ( ) and after filling up the option form may forward the same through NIC e-mail alongwith a signed copy of ID to this office email ( If any official has no nic email, then he/she may give option through the mail in which his/ her pay slip is sent to him/her from this office. The exercising details as such must reach to this office well within 29.04.2022.
5. While submitting option form it is requested to strictly follows the guideline issued by HQrs Office vide letter No: Coord / Estt/17003/Staff/ 2022-23 dated 17.03.2022 & Coord/Estt/17003/SAS(Officers) Association / 2022-23 dated 17.03.2022.
Encl As above.
Sr Accounts Officer (AN)
I, ……………………………………………………………………………. [name & designation] being a member of ………………………………………….. Association hereby authorize
deduction of annual subscription of Rupees ………………… for the year …………….
from my salary and authorize its payment to …………………………… Association.
Signature : …………………………………..
Name: …………………………………..
Designation …………………………………..
It is certified that Shri / Smt …………………………………………………….. is a member
of ………………………………………………, Association.
Signature of the authorised Office Bearer
I, ……………………………………………………………………………… [name & designation]
a member of ……………………………………………….. Association intend to withdraw
my candidature from the same Association.
Signature : …………………………………………
Name : ………………………………………………
Designation : ……………………………………..