Exercising of option by the members of the DAD(SAS) Officers Association – DAD Circular

Exercising of option by the members of the DAD(SAS) Officers Association – DAD Circular

Exercising of option by the members of the DAD(SAS) Officers Association – DAD Circular

Important Circular

“हर काम देश के नाम”
रक्षा लेखा विभाग (र.ले.वि.) मुख्यालय
उलान बटार दिल्‍ली छावनी-110010
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.- 110010

No. AN/VI/17003/DAD(SAS)OA/2023-24




Subject: Exercising of option by the members of the DAD(SAS) Officers Association for Association membership under the CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 and recovery of subscription for the year 2023-24.


As per para 2.2, 2.3 & 2.5 of DOP&T, Most Immediate OM No. 2/10/80-JCA dated 31s! January 1994, option for DAD (SAS) Officers Association membership can be exercised by the AAOs/AOs in the month of April each year and recoveries of membership subscription shall be made by the DDO in the month of July.

2. The salient features of procedure laid down for exercising of option and subsequent recovery of their membership subscription from the pay bills of the month of July has been summarized in Annexure. All the PCsDA/PCA (Fys)/CsDA are requested to ensure that the system of exercising of options and recovery of subscription is scrupulously adhered to. The schedule of events listed below may be followed and confirmation to the effect (a) and (b) is to be furnished to HQrs office.

a) Issue of circular by your office along with option forms to all the sub-offices under your organization latest by 15.03.2023.

b) Obtain confirmation regarding receipt of your circular and option forms in all sub-offices under your administrative control latest by 24.03.2023.

c) The option forms should be made available w.e.f. 03.04.2023 and onwards to the members who intend to exercise their option.

3. The members can exercise the option in the month of April only and completed option forms are to be: submitted to nominated officer of the Administration by 28.04.2023.

4. The process of exercise of option in all offices is to be completed by 28.04.2023 and confirmation in this regard may be sent to this HQrs. office by 31.5.2023 positively.

5. A report indicating complete details of the number of members (category wise & office wise] serving in their respective organization and total membership strength as per check off system in respect of DAD (SAS) Officers Association (as per the proforma enclosed) and total strength of the office may be tallied with the KMI report for January and submitted to HQrs. office by 31.08.2023 positively.

6. It is requested that deadlines proposed for modalities may be strictly adhered to.

The receipt of this circular may please be acknowledged.


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