Withholding of Online Admission Lottery for Session 2022-23. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has issued letter to withhold lottery for online admission scheduled to be held on 18.04.2022

Withholding of Online Admission Lottery for Session 2022-23. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has issued letter to withhold lottery for online admission scheduled to be held on 18.04.2022

Withholding of Online Admission Lottery for Session 2022-23. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has issued letter to withhold lottery for online admission scheduled to be held on 18.04.2022.

केन्‍द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन/ KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN
(Min. of Education, Govt. of India)
18-संस्‍थागत क्षेत्र/ 18-Institutional Area
शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग/ Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
नई दिल्‍ली – 110016 / New Delhi – 110016

F. No.11.EDPOOLA/1/2018-Academic

Dated 16.04.2022

The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices

Subject: Withholding of Online Admission Lottery for Session 2022-23

Madam / Sir,

The Lottery for Online Admission of Class-I for Session 2022-23 scheduled to be held on 18.04.2022 has been put on hold till further orders. The revised date of lottery will be communicated soon.

The information may please be disseminated to all the Kendriya Vidyalayas of your region.

Young faithfully,

Pallavi Sharma
Deputy Commissioner (EDP)

[irp posts=”7215″ name=”Revised Schedule for Admission 2021-22: Kendriya Vidyalaya”]

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1. PS to Commissioner, KVS
2. PS to Addl. Commissioner (Acad), KVS
3. PA to Joint Commissioner (Acad), KVS
4. PA to Joint Commissioner (Trg), KVS yee

Deputy Commissioner (EDP)


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