Reimbursement of Travelling Charges for Travel within City in Pay Level 9 to 11(only) i.e. up to the rank of Major – Dispensation of condition of Production of Receipts/ Vouchers : PCDA(O) Advisory No. 38

Reimbursement of Travelling Charges for Travel within City in Pay Level 9 to 11(only) i.e. up to the rank of Major – Dispensation of condition of Production of Receipts/ Vouchers : PCDA(O) Advisory No. 38

Reimbursement of Travelling Charges for Travel within City in Pay Level 9 to 11(only) i.e. up to the rank of Major – Dispensation of condition of Production of Receipts/ Vouchers : PCDA(O) Advisory No. 38


Date : 13.06.2022

O/o The PCDA(O), Pune, Public Relation Office PRO

Sub.: Dispensation of condition of Production of Receipts/ Vouchers for Reimbursement of Travelling Charges for Travel within City in Pay Level 9 to 11(only) i.e. up to the rank of Major.

Your kind attention is invited to Govt of India, MoD, DMA letter No. 12630/TA/DA/7th CPC/Mov C/43/ D(Mov)/21 dated 16th March 2021 had conveyed sanction of the Competent Authority with reference to Gol, Min of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure, New Delhi O M No. 19030/2/2020-E.IV dated 22nd Dec 2020 for dispensation of condition of Production of Receipts/ Vouchers for seeking Reimbursement of Travelling Charges for Travel within City. This is being reproduced below for your necessary information, kind perusal and ensuring strict compliance with effect from 16 March 2021.

Salient Features:

  1. Condition of production of Receipts/ Vouchers by Army Officers in Pay Level 9 to 11(only) i.e. up to the rank of Major for obtaining and seeking Reimbursement of Travelling Charges for Travel within City admissible under Daily Allowance on Tour has since been dispensed off subject to furnishing of Self Certification with following details viz.;
    1. Period of Travel
    2. Vehicle Number
      1. Undertaking to the effect that-No Service Transport or Civil Hired Transport was provided for any part of the journey or travel performed for which the claim has been preferred.
      2. Travel was necessitated and carried out for bonafide Military Tasks and bonafide Military Duties only.
        This is for your kind information please.

This issues with the kind approval of PCDA (QO), Pune.

Shri Lehana Singh, IDAS
(Dy. CDA)

Source: Click to view/download PDF

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