Creation of database for Multi Source Feedback (MSF) of officers in the APAR from 2022-23 : Railway Board Order dated 18.08.2022

Creation of database for Multi Source Feedback (MSF) of officers in the APAR from 2022-23 : Railway Board Order dated 18.08.2022

Creation of database for Multi Source Feedback (MSF) of officers in the APAR from 2022-23


No. 2022/SCC/03/03

New Delhi, Dated:18.08.2022

General Manager
All Indian Railways
PUs, etc.

Sub: Creation of database for Multi Source Feedback of officers in the APAR- regarding.

Railway Board have decided to create a database for multi source feedback (MSF) of officers while generating the APAR. This will be applicable from the APAR period 2022-23. For creating a database, a link has been enabled online in SPARROW system. Brief of MSF will be as under:

  1. For each official, every year a link shall be sent to the Reporting Authority of official and all the subordinates for whom the official is Reporting Authority.
  2. Feedback submitted will be anonymously recorded in the data base of the official. There shall be no way to trace back the feedback to the superior or subordinate who has submitted it.
  3. All are requested to give fair remarks/gradings without any prejudice.
  4. The whole exercise will be strictly confidential.

2. This may be brought to the notice of all officials.

(Vinod Kumar)
Under Secretary (Conf)
Room No. 152-A

Copy to:

  1. Advisor/MR, OSD/MR, OSD/Co-ord/MR, Additional PS/MR
  2. Chairman & CEO, Member(Finance), Member(infra), Member(O&80), Member(TRS), Secretary, OG/RHS & DG/RPF.
  3. All officers of Railway Board
  4. C&IS— for uploading in the REIS website.

Source: Click to view/download PDF

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